
Mercury in Leo Aug 04, 2024 Mercury Rx at 04°Virgo 06'Aug 28, 2024 Mercury Direct 21° Leo 24' Jul 17, 2025 Mercury Rx at 15° Leo 06'Aug 11, 2025 Mercury Direct 04° Leo 14' Jul 28, 2031 Mercury Rx at 26° Leo 25'Aug 21, 2031 Mercury Direct 14° Leo 17' Jul 09, 2032...

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Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries Mercury Data in Aries for 2024 Mercury enters Aries on March 9 Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries on April 1 at 22° Aries Mercury Stations direct on April 25 at 16° Aries Mercury leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 15 Mercury in Aries tends to express...

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December Solstice Magic

Witnessing a Solstice Sunrise or Sunset is a powerful way to engage the energies being beamed in from the Galactic Center via the Sun.  December 21 generally marks the exact Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) AND for the Mountain and Pacific Time Zones the...

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And SHE…it is…who remembers her wings…soaring through the sky…feeling the energies extend to the farthest reaches of creation…and on the wings…comes theremembering of Sacred Union…when Sky enters the crown..and Earth touches the feet…and together…they merge in the...

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September Equinox Magic

Chant of the Priest~esses In Honor of the Equinox~Ancestors of Avalon by Diana L Paxton Let Day be bounded by the Night…Dark be balanced by the Light.Earth and Sky and Sun and Sea,A circled cross shall ever be.Let sorrow make a space for joy,Let grief with jubilance...

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