Super Conductors of Love
The above Video describes what inspired this FREE offering is all about, the intent and how we are all here for this time.
Super Conductors of Love FREE Online Event March 9-30 features the remarkable and super rare events of March 2025 and beyond including the Aries Pisces Dance of Venus, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn
activating the Alpha (0° Aries point) and Omega (29°Pisces) points in ways that hasn’t happened in 1000’s of years.
Free Sign Up HERE

Mary Magdalene
Enlivening the
Sacred Feminine
Sep 03-10, 2025
Details are HERE
This is a Link to my Youtube Channel with insightful content being added on a regular basis.
Thank you for subscribing to receive alerts for new videos each month.
I love your YouTube channel!! It helps me make total sense of the strange & previously inexplicable happenings in my life!🙂 Thank you for your great content!! Tess
The above video
features the
Astrological Alchemy
of the Alpha Omega
in 2025
with Cristina Moreira
New Venus Cycle Details coming soon.

Countdown to the exact Spring Equinox when the Sun reaches 0°Aries
I am excited and delighted to share the ever changing Sky Mysteries through many venues including the videos listed above and below. You will find different videos featured here. Currently the first video below is a 15 minute overview describing the difference between the seasonal signs and the constellations and how the seasons move through these stars over time.
This movement is what links us to the evolution of the archetypal energies we embody evolving
through us. This is helpful in understanding what is going on with the Solstices, Equinoxes and Beyond.

Welcome to the Magic and Mystery
of Living on Earth and
Connecting with the Sky!
I am excited to share the ever changing Sky Mysteries through many venues including the popular Celestial Timings – an online astrology and astronomy e-zine I have shared for over 28 years and the many videos with great visuals now available on my YouTube Channel.
Discover magical insights designed to help you consciously and creatively navigate these rapidly changing times by tapping into ancient wisdom with guidance intended to support your life’s journey.
This is designed to expand your awareness around what is possible in ways that inspire and ignite the magic we all carry within us.
I am looking forward to sharing this magical adventure with you!
Be sure to check out the latest edition of the Celestial Timings HERE