Mercury in Aries

Mercury Data in Aries for 2024

Mercury enters Aries on March 9

Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries on April 1 at 22° Aries
Mercury Stations direct on April 25 at 16° Aries

Mercury leaves Aries and enters Taurus on May 15

Mercury in Aries tends to express through optimism and enthusiasm while also spontaneously saying whatever is occurring to them in the moment. The upside is not filtering their words according to cultural standards. The downside can be saying things that are painful to others especially if they are highly sensitive.

The good news is Aries is an energy that is often experienced as outgoing, fun, charismatic and enthusiastic so if communication is coming from this energy it is easier to embrace no matter what off the cuff things are being said.

Mercury in Aries tends to skip over logical rational thinking, going beyond the limits of the rational mind to knowing what it knows without knowing how it knows it. Untangling that might take an Aries mind (or some other fire sign Mercury). 🙂

The fire signs operate in the intuitive realm as described by Carl Jung. He said: Intuition “mediates perceptions in an unconscious way… and has the character of being given.” Meaning the ideas and insights that come to the firey mind are like “aha” moments that are beyond our usual definition of Intution.  Aries intuitive thinking is quick, unpredictable, spontaneous and willful.

Intuition arrives on its own beyond conscious effort, as in those “aha” moments. Again, it is the experience of knowing without knowing how you know. “Aha” moments usually occur beyond the desire to figure out a solution appearing when least expected.

When operating from intuition (beyond logic and reason) brilliant ideas spontaneously occur. Einstein was born on March 14, 1879. He had Venus, Saturn and Mercury in Aries so he generally got his best ideas when he wasn’t thinking about the problem but when he was out in nature or doing something unrelated to his question.

We tend to think of ideas as being conscious phenomena. There are, however, times when intuitive ideas affect us in less conscious ways that go beyond the so-called ‘gut’ feeling. Intuitive experiences usually take the form of ideas or imagery that arrive spontaneously and are quite different than “gut feelings”.

Intuition tends to reveal an answer, insight, or possibility in an unexpected “out of the blue” momnet. The opporutnity is to trust the certainty or knowing without having to rationally understand the knowing or answer. It is about trusting the process that operates in a non-rational way that goes beyond step-by-step logic and is revealed  through ideas or insights.

When healthy and uninhibited Mercury in Aries loves to entertain and perform, telling stories with great embellishment. The Aries shadow often expresses as impatience, being quick to judge, and is easily bored.

