by Cayelin K Castell Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually,...
The Seasons of Our Lives – The Shamanic Timeline
The Earth has seasons as she travels around the Sun. There are four main recognized seasons, Spring when new life is growing and blossoming, Summer when the Earth is flourishing and abundant, Autumn when it is time to harvest and store up for Winter and of course...
Cathar Castle and The Time Portals
In 2007 I was blessed to help lead a group with Nancy Safford to France exploring the Magdalene Mysteries embedded there along with a Venus Node and 5 pointed star embedded in the land.When we visited the Cathar Castle Queribus perched high on the bedrock of a tall...
Ceremonial Ways to Connect with the Celestial Timings
The Magic of Ceremony (This was originally written in 2008 and updated in May of 2015) When we engage in ceremony during special astronomical events like Solstices, Equinoxes, any New or Full Moon, or any rare planetary and/or stellar alignments our intentions are...
The Magic of Ceremonial Hiking
Life is a living ceremony. I often forget that. However, when I do ceremonial hikes (or walks) I am reminded of the power and magic of living life as a ceremony. My personal favorite way of doing ceremony is by engaging what I like to refer to as the ceremonial hike....
Shamanic Astrology Events
Click on the Links for Details about Each Event New Venus Gemini Meta-Goddess Series began June 9/10, 2020. The First class is July 5, 2020. Online Courses Count Toward Certification The Map of Life and Archetypal Journey of the Soul a.k.a Script &...
Audio Celestial Timings Archives
Archives of the Timings When I did audios back in the day... There are numerous audios on this page in addition to the monthly and weekly overviews with new ones being added regularly. Archived Audios are posted on another page at this...
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Sacred Union and The Secret Wedding
…So, in the end, the fleshing of herself, the Skeleton Woman enacts the entire creation process, but rather than beginning as a baby, in the way Westerners are taught to think about life and death, she begins as bones and fleshes out her life. She teaches the man to...
The Alchemy of Chiron
Astrological patterns are recognized in terms of the meaningthat we bring to inner and outer experiences,although we are perhaps in turn predisposed to the qualityof our experiences by the patterns themselves.However, rather than trying to pre-empt fate,to ward it off...