These audio archives are for 2015 with some interesting audios from previous years. This is for those who want to go review previous months to see what was happening. 2014 Triple 7 Jackpot Year Audio Overview Find out Why 2014 was a Triple 7. As a Free Celestial...
4th of July, Sun Apehelion, Independance Day, Sirius
Me and Ryan when he was about 6 months old Christmas of 1982 I love the 4th of July because my oldest son, Ryan, was born on this day in 1982 in the early morning hours before dawn. Over the years I have shared a lot about Independence Day in the Celestial Timings....
The 13th Sign Misunderstanding and Locating YOUR Seasonal Sun Sign
First of all, both the numbers 12 and 13 are sacred numbers in general and especially when considering the Moon. The whole idea that 13 is better than the so-called patriarchal number 12 has grown out of a misunderstanding about the importance of both numbers. The...
The Magic of Beltane – BE Yourself
Beltane Note: Uranus is currently in Taurus about 3° from Jupiter and 7° from the Solar Beltane Sun continuing to emphasizing the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. Jupiter is exiting Taurus on May 25 and Uranus remains in Taurus until April 26, 2026 when it moves into...
Unexpected Rainbow Venus Magic
On March 25, 2014 I was called by the Circle of Grandmothers to an extraordinary experience involving a sacred cave and Rainbow magic. The above audio recording tells the story as do these pictures below. To download The Rainbow Story audio RIGHT CLICK HERE Part One...
Celebrating the Solstices
The June 21, 2022 Solstice with more insights HERE Our zeitgeist whispers that the planet is alive; that spirituality is based far more in the body and the earth than we’ve conceived in centuries; and that to sustain ourselves, we must live more simply, more...
The Swing Between the Worlds at the November Cross-Quarter
Each year around November 6 or 7 the Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio and is with the fixed Star Zubenelgenubi (a.k.a Zuben Algenubi) an Arabic word that has to do with the southern pan of the Scales. Collectively this is a time when the Sun is marking the swing between...
Using the Violet Flame
Place the Violet Flame through your heart... let go and know who you are. The gift of the Violet Flame comes to us through the teachings of the ascended master Saint Germain and was given to humanity as a transformational tool to assist in accessing 5th dimensional...
The Power of Questions
You see, the problem in life isn't in receiving answers.The problem is in identifying your current questions.Once you get the questions right, the answers always come….Let your perception of beauty and iridescence lead your way.Places and people who have answers for...
New Year and Solar Year Ceremonies
by Cayelin K Castell Fire Come Forth Set me Free Kindle the Fire that Burns in me. (repeat) Burn away what is not Love, Burn away what is the past, Burn away what will not last, Light the path ahead. The above lyrics are typically sung at Solstice but are great to...