Happy Easter April 2021 Celestial Timings PDF This is a time when we are continuing to navigate new territory through what we perceive is true or not true outside the boundaries of ordinary reality while simultaneously moving forward full speed ahead......
March 2021 Celestial Timings
Happy March Equinox Coming up Quick! Plus, I am so excited to be celebrating my 65th Birthday this month with my Beloved BHE (Best Husband Ever) shown together here in the Catalina Mountains near Tucson. Another feature of this birthday is that I have now outlive my...
Morning Star Venus at Crown Chakra Gate
At the beginning of each Morning Star Venus Cycle Venus Meets with the Moon representing the first gate into the Underworld when the waning Moon conjuncts Venus (1 Scorpio) representing the seventh chakra. The Sumerians described the cosmological cycle of Venus...
What is Really Real? An Aquarius Question
The Sun travels through the seasonal sign of Aquarius from Jan 20/21 to Feb 18/19 each year. Aquarius is an archetypal energy that invites us to questions our reality. Is it really as real as it appears to be? What is Really Real? Whenever planets are in Aquarius it...
2021 February Celestial Timings
Happy Imbolc Cross-Quarter As mentioned in the January timings the energies of this year might be less intense but again they might not and as we saw in January there is a lot of unrest and violence that reached a boiling point and is currently simmering. Our...
Leo Mysteries
Whenever a planet or the Moon is in Leo it is accessing the mysteries of self-love, self-confidence, self-approval, self-acceptance and self-respect. Healthy self-love is not arrogance, hubris or a better than attitude as these qualities do NOT originate from genuine...
Armus Heart of the Goatfish
February always begins with the Sun conjunct the fixed star Armus (12 Aquarius 44) also known as the Heart of the Goat. This is an event that happens every year around February 1 meaning if you have a birthday from about January 25 to February 6 you have the Sun...
2021 January Celestial Timings
Welcome to the New Year 2021 Though perhaps less intense astrologically than 2020 the momentum of 2020 will carry into 2021 and we have an opportunity to be a part of the New Energies now available through attention and intention. It is definitely time to Wish On the...
Sirius is the New Year’s Star
Interestingly Sirius is our brightest star in the night sky and it helps us ring in each New Year with the light codes it sends directly to Earth while crossing the meridian around mid-night local time. (The meridian is defined as a circle of longitude beginning from...
Nunki the Arrow
This article is a work in progress stay tuned for additional insights and dates when planets are with NunkiNunki (12 Capricorn 29), the Sumerian name for this star, marks the Vane of the Arrow in the constellation of the Archer also known as Sagittarius. Nunki (Sigma...