2017 July Celestial Timings

Here is the 2017 July Celestial TimingsPDF with Sky Maps and details - exploring what is up with the Planets and Stars Including Saturn's connection with the Serpent Bearer as we dream into a new reality this month and beyond preparing for the total Solar Eclipse...

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April 2017 Celestial Timings

Here are the 2017 April Celestial Timings featuring Venus Stationing Directly along with Mercury, Saturn and Pluto stationing retrograde.  With the continuing process of moving and a trip to Santa Fe this month I am ever so grateful to have more to have written more...

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2017 March Celestial Timings

Here are the 2017 March Celestial Timings featuring Venus Retrograde with some unusual happenings occurring with this particular Venus Retrograde. AND I have shared exciting personal news about our BIG move in the March 2017 Timings. I think I forgot to mention one of...

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February 2017 Celestial Timings

Here are the February 2017 Celestial Timings with 7 pages of content including Star Maps. January was intense in ways that felt good and challenging sometimes simultaneously due in part to the further activation of the Uranus Pluto Square with Jupiter forming a...

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2017 January Celestial Timings

Here are the 2017 January Celestial Timings PDF with 16 pages of content and all the Star Maps and images as we begin a new Calendar Year. It might help to keep these handy by printing them or on your phone, tablet or computer so you can keep track of what is...

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Chiron audios

Chiron Overview and Chiron in Pisces into 2016 5 audios including Chiron with Fomalhaut and the Doing Addiction. Ranging from 14 minutes to 16 minutes long - over an hour of material to inspire your Chiron Connection Chiron Overview - 16+ minutes [audio...

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