My Star Alchemy has three courses including the Zodiacal Constellations and how they differ from the signs. We have also explored the Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists and the Magic of the Stellar Triangles.Find out more HERE ...
Edgewalking – Scorpio
Edgewalking in Ecstasy and the Right Use of WillIlluminates the potential and most magnificent gift of Scorpio and also Pluto Transits. Moon travels through Scorpio every 27.3 days traveling through this sign for about 2.5 days and there is a Scorpio Full Moon at...
Behenian Stars – The Magical Stars of the Alchemists
Find out about a NEW online Series created at the end of 2021 featuring ALL the Behenian stars. If you love the stars, the myths and the magic connected to them and are intersted in learning how to cultivate your own magical relationship with them then you will mostly...
Awakening in the Dream of the Land
Sacred Union With The Land In The Andes Awakening In The Dream by Cayelin K Castell This writing describes my most profound experience during my age 47 exact Mars return at the beginning of my 7th Venus return during my 4th Jupiter Return. In Shamanic Astrology this...
Lammas, Lughnassadh, August Cross-Quarter
Note: the Solar Cross-Quarter connects to the magical 8.8. Time Gate The August Cross-Quarter or Lammas, also known as Lughnassadh: (pronounced Loo-nuh-suh) meaning harvest and victory is usually celebrated on August 1 or 2 but the actual zodiacal cross-quarter is...
Solar Eclipses – An Opportunity to Activate a New Timeline
2025 Eclipses . Eclipse windows operate outside ordinary reality. Experiencing a Total Solar Eclipse is life altering spinning around our sense of night and day as the barometric pressure drops and shifts our sense of reality. Having had the experience in 2017...
The Sacred Hoop of Stars
I originally published this article on my website in 2009 and updated it in 2017. In the book Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey - White Buffalo Calf Woman reminds us: ...Creation requires a gathering together and focusing of your power within a circle of...
Seed People by Dane Rudhyar
written in 1973 by Dane Rudhyar I feel we are at the threshold of a new age, and that we need now, more than anything else, a new approach to human relationships and to social organization. We need a planetary approach, we need a synthetic approach. We need something...
Venus in Aries – What Does the Wild Woman Want?
by Cayelin K Castell The archetypal expression that most accurately describes Venus in Aries is the Wild Warrior Amazon. However, back in 1995 a primary archetype Shamanic Astrology connected to Aries was the Wild Woman. What follows is an article I wrote in 2001...
Life’s Seasons and the Shamanic Timeline
By Cayelin K Castell outlined by Mary Kern The Earth has seasons as she travels around the Sun. There are four main recognized seasons, Spring when new life is growing and blossoming, Summer when the Earth is flourishing and abundant, Autumn when it is time to harvest...