Morning Star Venus enters the first gate into the Underworld when the waning Moon conjuncts Venus representing the seventh chakra. The Sumerians described the cosmological cycle of Venus through the Story of Inanna, Queen of Heaven, as a way to understand and to keep...
The Magic of Venus and The North Node
More exciting details are shared in the 17 minute video below... Venus and the North Node come together once each year but it is usually only every 18.5 to 19 years that Venus and the North Node return together within any specific sign. For Venus and North Node to...
Mercury in Virgo
All Times are Calculated for Mountain Standard Time 2023 Aug 23 Mercury went Retrograde 21°Virgo49 - On Sep 15 Mercury stationed Direct at 08 Virgo 2024 Aug 04 Mercury goes Retrograde at 04° Virgo - On August 28 station Direct at 21 Leo passing Regulus 3 times.2024...
The Power of Forgiving the Unforgivable
The Shamanic Healing Power of Forgiving the Unforgivable(Brief Introduction) The journey to living a more fulfilling life begins with forgiving the unforgivable.Whatever unforgivable things we have done to ourselves, done to others or have had done to the Earth!It is...
The Catalyzing Natal Affect of Jupiter Pluto
Jupiter Pluto 2020 and Beyond e-book version with images and tables Unedited Plain Text Version Below The Alchemy of Jupiter and Pluto Conjunctions Natally(applies to squares and oppositions too) On April 5, 2020 my first grandbaby entered this world with a nearly...
The Alchemy of Jupiter and Pluto Aspects
This is a link to a more comprehensive e-book on Jupiter Pluto 2020 and Beyondwith additional edits and part twoof this article taking a deep dive into what it meansto have this signature along with images and tables Unedited version above has additional...
Moon in Sagittarius
A work in progress... The Sagittarius New Moon (02° Sagittarius 55') in 2024 on May 23 and the Moon is near Antares the heart star of the Galaxy preparing the way for the June Sosltice on June 20 when we will have a CancerFull Moon in 2024 on the Galactic Cross near...
Corvus – The Raven Constellation
Corvus, (latin for Raven) is listed in the 48 Constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy. Corvus the Raven was tasked by the Greek god Apollo, to take a chalice and collect the waters of life that Apollo needed for a sacred ceremony he was performing....
Venus Brightest and Furthest From the Sun
Venus is related to some amazing number magic including when she is brightest and furthest from the Sun (also known as maximum elongation). It is interesting to note there are 5 Venus Cycles every 8 years and Venus goes around the Sun 13 times in those 8 years. This...
2020 May Celestial Timings
On April 05, 2020 our first Grandson Gryffin Ryder was born in Cortez, Colorado riding in on the energy of the exact Pluto Jupiter conjunction and a world wide peace meditation. I have shared more about this magical event in the May 2020 Celestial Timings along with...