February 29, 2024 (Thursday) is Leap Day. The date February 29 only comes around every 4 years representing the Leap Day of any Leap Year. The solar year is actually 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds. The Gregorian Calendar compensates for the extra...
Juno and other Planets in Libra
Juno (Roman) married to JupiterHera (Greek) married to Zues Here I sing of HeraShe has a golden throne…She is an immortal queenHers is the most eminent of figuresShe is the sisterShe is even the wife of Zeus thundererShe is glorious All the gods on vast OlympusRevere...
Imbolc, Candlemass and The February Cross-Quarter
Traditionally Imbolc is the time for extinguishing old ceremonial fires and lighting new ones (representing renewal), while celebrating the return of the light symbolized by the slowly lengthening days. For some parts of the world, winter is loosening its hold and the...
Venus Third Chakra Gate
In this timely VIDEO Jimmy Carter explains why he feels the mistreatment of women is our number one human rights abuse. Not only do we need greater awareness around this issue - women need to stand for one another as they stand in their own power. The Venus at the...
Saturnalia and what December Means
Saturnalia. AND What is in the Name December? According to Guy Ottewell’s astronomical calendar, December is the 10th month of the old Roman calendar that started with March. Decem means 10. This month is also connected to the ancient Roman celebration known as...
The Power of Love
NOTE: This article is a work in progress Love is the reasonLove is the answerLove is the inspirationLove is the guidanceLove is the purposeLove is the directionLove is the wisdomLove is the integrationLove rebalances the worldFierce Love, Pure Love,Love is acceptance...
Aquarius Moon
See dates into 2023 when Moon is entering Aquarius in the table below along with a Full Moon in Aquarius table into 2038. When the Moon travels through Aquarius it is transmitting the mysteries of the cosmic revolutionary or radical revolutionary who is disrupting...
The Mysteries of the 11:11 Star Gate
11:11 is pre-encoded trigger placed within our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter, and when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. The 11:11 is hereby being activated. ~ Solara Each year November 11 is considered an activation...
My Star Alchemy explores Spica along with all the most prominent Stars in the Zodiacal Constellations with online class Details HERE Spica is also a Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists online class Details are HEREEvery year the Sun is...
Sun in Scorpio
The Sun generally enters Scorpio on October 22 to 24 each year. See Table Below. This begins a 30 day journey dedicated to the mysteries of death and rebirth. Death is a part of the natural cycle of life. In times past the death mysteries were honored and celebrated...