See 9 minute Video on Saturn in Aquarius with more insights below Aquarius Speaks: When the mind is open - Wisdom can enter! Looking ahead to when Pisces Speaks: When the mind and heart are open - Wisdom can enter! With Saturn in Aquarius from March 21, 2020 to March...
Pluto Saturn Jupiter and The Corona Virus – A Gift?
The Global Pandemic most are calling the Corona Virus or COVID - 19 is providing us all with a Global Experience that is affecting our health, well-being, economics, social gatherings, events, schools, and how well equipped our governments are to handle this kind of...
2020 March Celestial Timings
See NEW Video Below on Venus and her remarkable connection to the Pleiades happening toward the end of March... This month also features Venus at the Brow Chakra, all planets moving forward starting March 9, Juno in Libra Retrograde spends a total of about 11 months...
Baten Kaitos and the Belly of the Whale
Each year Sun, Mercury, and Venus pass by Baten Katos known as the Belly of the Whale in one of the largest constellations known as Cetus the Whale. The Sun passes Baten Kaitos around April 11 every year. April 11, 2021 the Aries New Moon (22 Aries) was aligned with...
Aldebaran – the eye of perception
My Star Alchemy is offering an online series taking a Deep Dive into the Regulus and all the most prominent Stars in the Zodiacal Constellations. Details are HERE Last year we explored the Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists. Details are HERE...
Original Mercury Retrograde Article updated
It might be Mercury Retrograde if: Your technology is acting wonky You are feeling challenged in communicating clearly You are suddenly feeling more right brain creativity than left brain linear logic Creative Projects, Insights and Ideas are calling for your...
2020 February Celestial Timings
I will be on the Astrology Panel at the Conscious Life Expo Feb 7-10! See NEW Video we begin February celebrating the Cross-Quarter known as Imbolc or Candlemas (a.k.a. Ground Hog Day). The actual astrological cross-quarter happens early on February 4, 2020...
Mercury in Aquarius
Cayelin age 6 or 7 looking far away into other dimensions This is a work in progress. Stay tuned for more dates and insights. January 02, 2022 Mercury Enters Aquarius traveling through this sign until January 25, 2022 retrograding into Capricorn where it is until Feb...
Leap Year, Leap Day
February 29, 2024 (Thursday) is Leap Day. The date February 29 only comes around every 4 years representing the Leap Day of any Leap Year. The solar year is actually 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds. The Gregorian Calendar compensates for the extra...
Juno and other Planets in Libra
Juno (Roman) married to JupiterHera (Greek) married to Zues Here I sing of HeraShe has a golden throne…She is an immortal queenHers is the most eminent of figuresShe is the sisterShe is even the wife of Zeus thundererShe is glorious All the gods on vast OlympusRevere...