Excerpt from the Emerald Tablets: Truly, without Deceit, certainly and absolutely, That which is above is the same as that which is below and That which is below is the same as that which is above In the Accomplishment of the Miracle of One Thing. An alternate Version...
Honoring My Mom, Merilyn Massey Sep 1933 to Aug 1998
This post is a way to honor and remember my Mom, Merilyn Massey. She died on August 18, 1998 just before her age 65 birthday. My Mom was born on September 6, 1933. The story of her remarkable transition and the gifts of her conscious death process are HERE Merilyn...
2018 August Celestial Timings
August 2018 features the August Cross-Quarter, Heliacal Rise of Sirius, Retrograde Mars (brightest, out of bonds, a wild card), Retrograde Mercury, special insights about August 13 and 15 as it relates to the Sky and sacred geometry on the land, completes the Eclipse...
July 22 Sun Enters Leo, Magdalene Feast Day
On July 22 the Sun makes its annual move into Leo where it remains until Aug 22 or 23. For the next 30 days the Sun illuminates the mysteries of Self-Love through the miracles of healthy self-confidence, self-approval, self-acceptance and self-respect. Within our...
8.8 Infinity Time Gate
The 8/8 Time Gate is every year on August 8, 17 and 26 During the current era, every year on 8.8 the Sun is thought to be in the of the Lion. Astronomers say the Sun actually enters the Lion constellation on August 10 or August 11 and travels through this...
What Time Is It Really? The Seasons and Cycles of Life
By Cayelin K Castell The Earth has seasons as she travels around the Sun. There are four main recognized seasons, Spring when new life is growing and blossoming, Summer when the Earth is flourishing and abundant, Autumn when it is time to harvest and store up for...
Wild Cards or The Out of Bounds Planets
The Moon is going out of bounds twice each monthfor the next few years into 2026 and beyond.Learn more about this in this videoincluding more on the Mysteries of Timeand how it is we are experiencinga Great Cosmic Womb activation monthly.Also see another video at the...
2018 July Celestial Timings
July 2018 is a powerful time taking us between eclipses and activating new possibilities that we may not have thought of yet? See the PDF for more... 2018 July Celestial Timings PDF Articles To Go with July Timings 4th of July and the Star Sirius Jupiter is stationing...
Insights on Determining Your Life Purpose
PDF Table to locate your North Node and your next Nodal ReturnFinding the North Node from 1921 to 2056 However unhappy a person may be, the moment they know the purpose of their life, a switch is turned and the light is on…Even if a person has to strive after...
2018 June Celestial Timings
I shared in the opening of the Timings I have been on a radical life altering journey. Hence the focus on understanding consciousness as part of the June Timings. Also why the June Timings are rich and light at the same time. 2018 June Celestial Timings PDF with...