August 2018 features the August Cross-Quarter, Heliacal Rise of Sirius, Retrograde Mars (brightest, out of bonds, a wild card), Retrograde Mercury, special insights about August 13 and 15 as it relates to the Sky and sacred geometry on the land, completes the Eclipse Window and the time out of time activation, brings a comet (ultimate wild card) into visibility, and is a great month for seeing the Perseid Meteor Shower.  See the PDF for more…

August 2018 Celestial Timings PDF

Articles To Go with August Timings 

August Cross-Quarter

8.8 Infinity Time Gate Aug 8 is within eclipse window Aug 8, 17 and 26

Out of Bounds Mars July 7 to September 24

Spica and Aldebaran are Behenian Stars with a 12 minute Audio

Chiron in Aries Healing the Wounds of Injustice

A Remarkable LIVE Interactive Event

Oct 26-28 Join Me and the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School for a weekend at the University of Earth (in California about an hour from Reno, Nevada) exploring the Elements and Modalities of the Astrological Signs and how they relate to our co-creative power.

This is a super FUN interactive and also profoundly activating event giving you the keys to deeply understanding the 12 archetypes of the signs and yourself in a new more expansive way. 

No Previous Astrology Training or Understanding is Necessary – Details are HERE