The Sacred Hoop of Stars

I originally published this article on my website in 2009 and updated it in 2017. In the book Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey - White Buffalo Calf Woman reminds us: ...Creation requires a gathering together and focusing of your power within a circle of...

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Seed People by Dane Rudhyar

written in 1973 by Dane Rudhyar I feel we are at the threshold of a new age, and that we need now, more than anything else, a new approach to human relationships and to social organization. We need a planetary approach, we need a synthetic approach. We need something...

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The Healing Power of Shaking

This sharing is inspired by a Sounds True Podcast interview with Brad Keeney author of Shaking Medicine Shaking It UpThe value of physical shaking, as well as making choices to shake up our habitual reality by doing things in a different way, are gifts that can come...

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Sacred Time and Clock Time

Expressions of TimeOn TimeNo TimeFun TimeOne TimePast TimeFirst TimeEarth TimeDivine TimeKairos TimeFuture TimeSacred TimeHuman TimeGalactic TimeChronos TimeHands of TimePersonal TimeUniversal TimeCollective TimeThroughout TimeTime Out of TimeAccelerated TimeTime...

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Celebrating the Equinoxes

A short video and audio about the March and September Equinox is below... Equinox: Equal Days and NightsThe equinoxes are the seasonal time of balance and harmony when the days and nights are equal in length. During the equinoxes, the Earth's auric or magnetic field...

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