Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and goes in and out of Capricorn in 2023 and 2024. Pluto in Capricorn has initiated a massive restructuring around what really works that is ongoing.

For many we are in a time of creating a new more efficient physical reality that is effective and sustainable, nurturing and kind. In essence, this about how to do less and accomplish more in ways that will beneficially serve the generations to come.

Unfortunately part of what our current culture has created is what I recognized as a Doing Addiction. There seems to be a mistaken belief that the more we do, the more we accomplish and achieve, then the more value and significance we have. When we are driven by the Doing Addiction it can interfere with healthy and deeply fulfilling connections with family, friends and community.

For me it has been vital to cultivate a growing awareness around how I have been Doing Addicted so I can make healthier choices.

Doing (taking action) is a natural part of life similar to the necessity for eating. However, both doing and eating can also become an addiction.

An addiction is anything that we do to excess in ways that are harmful to our health and well-being. There are obvious addictions such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc… Most of us might recognize a Doing Addiction as someone who is a work-a-holic. However, the Doing Addiction often shows up in subtle ways that are more challenging to spot.

For example, the most philanthropic work a person might engage in doing, may be driven by a Doing Addiction as a way to avoid feelings or having a personal life.

Underlying the Doing Addiction are three primary fears.

  • Fear of not having enough
  • Fear of not being good enough (feeling of having to prove yourself)
  • Fear of Facing your Fears and having to really Feel your Feelings…

More is covered in this PDF on The Doing Addiction


The Doing Addiction Part 1 - 15 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

The Doing Addiction Part 2 - 16 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

More On Capricorn

The Capricorn Archetype is represented most accurately by the Circle of Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Wise Ones and Elders. These are the political and other leaders, managers, counselors and teachers who are most effective when they are paying attention to what really works and letting go of what no longer works. When healthy the primary interest of this archetype is how effective and efficient the systems they operate within are functioning and how those systems honor the Earth and the ancestors, as well as serving the future generations going forward.

Saturn was in Capricorn from Dec 19, 2017 to Mar 21, 2020 when it entered Aquarius for a brief time.  Saturn returned to Capricorn on Jul 01, 2020 before re-entering Aquarius on December 16, 2020. It will be late January of 2047 before Saturn returns to Capricorn.

Pluto entered Capricorn on Jan 25, 2008, returned to Sagittarius on Jun 13, 2008 and re-entered Capricorn on November 26, 2008. Pluto enters Aquarius on Mar 23, 2023 and returns to Capricorn on Jun 11, 2023, re-entering Aquarius on Jan 20, 2024 and returning to Capricorn on Sep 01, 2024. Pluto’s final entrance into Aquarius is on Nov 19, 2024.

Jupiter entered Capricorn on Dec 02, 2019. Jupiter was in Capricorn until it entered Aquarius on Dec 19, 2020. Jupiter returns to Capricorn on November 15, 2031.


This Short Video on the Story of Stuff Explains how we have been conditioned to being doing addicted.