My Star Alchemy has three courses including the Zodiacal Constellations and how they differ from the signs.
We have also explored the Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists and the Magic of the Stellar Triangles.
Find out more HERE
Spica and Arcturus are both magical Behenian Stars that work together as a feminine masculine dynamic duo in sacred relationship when we connect and work with them ceremonially no matter what seasonal sign overlays them. It just so happens that currently it is the sign of Libra they are expressing through adding to the mysteries of conscious, co-creative, collaborative partnering.
Spica is the fixed star located in the hand of the Virgin Priestess and has associations with the idea that we reap what we sow. The fixed star Arcturus is zodiacally linked with Spica (both currently in the 24 degree of Libra) and together represent a powerful symbol of the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine harmoniously working together as conscious equals – not equal the same but equal in the value they bring.
Spica is symbolized in the Justice Tarot Card where the scales of Justice are held in the hand of the Virgin Priestess. Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in our sky and is located in the constellation of Bootes, the Herdsman, seen as the faithful guardian, protector, and companion of the Goddess.
These stars represent the sacred masculine and feminine principles expressing in different ways though again both are equal in the value. Whenever planets are with these stars it is a great time to tune into the light codes of conscious equal partnership that are intended to support our growth toward unity consciousness. One is not better than the other. Each is connected to the greater whole. The Sacred Marriage unites the opposites and reminds us that we are all connected to the ONE source of all that is.
That said what I am about to share seems almost like a contradiction so keep reading to get how it is resolved.
There are no medicine men without medicine women. A medicine man is given power by a woman, and it has always been that way. A medicine man stands in the place of the dog. He is merely an instrument of woman. It doesn’t look that way anymore, but it is true. ~ Agnes Whistling Elk in
Lynn V Andrews book Medicine Woman
I read the book Medicine Woman in 1988 and it forever changed my life. At the time I was going through the devastation of my life as I knew it. I desperately wanted to die so much – I begged god to kill me.
Then I was blessed with this book showing up exactly at the right time and I decided then and there I wanted to live a magical life.
I re-read this book in 2019 for lots of reasons and it has been activating so much in me. Including new insights about the importance of Spica and Arcturus working together.
Arcturus (the divine masculine) is considered the guardian helpmate of Spica – the star most representing the divine feminine as described many cultures. Having just reread these words in the Medicine Woman book as I am again tuning into the Spica and Arcturus I am feeling the truth of this in a way I didn’t expect.
Not from the perspective that the Medicine Woman is more important than the Medicine Man but rather she gives birth to him. Without her he would not exist. Clearly this is something that was forgotten in the last several thousand years of patriarchy. He is here to protect her and support her so she can give her gifts not only to him but also to the world.
I woke up in the morning on the day I am writing this (April 15, 2019) knowing I am a Medicine Woman from a dreamtime message. The medicine I bring may not be what others would expect a Medicine Woman to bring but it is Medicine for the Earth none-the-less.

Peter and Me Ireland 2018
I find I have tears emerging feeling the immensity of this insight. I shared it with my husband Peter and he was surprised I was only just now having this realization as he has known for awhile I have been the one that has helped him find his own medicine to offer to the world.
He has so provided the safe space that has allowed me to not only continue the work I do but to take it to new levels that are often scary, even down right terrifying. Through it all Peter has been there to support and encourage me and help me feel safe. That is a gift beyond measure.
Working together we have helped each other find powerful ways to express our medicine for the world. (A story I intend to share more about because it is so inspiring to all those who know us – or so we have been told!)
Spica and Arcturus In Divine Relationship
Spica (24 Libra o6) is symbolized in the Tarot Cards by the Virgin Priestess holding the scales of justice in her hand. Another image that comes from the Tarot is the Hermit standing on a hill with a lantern in his hand. The lantern, or light is Spica.
Arcturus (24 Libra 30) is the guardian of the divine feminine and has been viewed as being related to King Arthur leading his people to freedom and victory with the sword of truth, the sword of divine authority and kingship, also known as Excalibur.
The August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse featured the mythic renewal of the broken blade (Narsil) in The Lord of the Rings. So this event back in 2017 marked another Timing for noting the power of renewing the sword of our divine authority in the hand of the divine masculine and the returning light shining from the lantern of love and compassion in the hand of the divine feminine.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring,
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.”
Fellowship of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien
Locating Spica and Arcturus
Spica lies in the left hand of the constellation we call the Virgin Priestess (astronomers call it Virgo) about two degrees south of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun in the heavens as viewed from the Earth. Every year within a day or on the day of October 16 the Sun conjuncts the star Spica.
Spica is easily found by continuing the gradually curving line formed by the Big Dipper‘s handle ~ first to Arcturus, then “spiking” via a straight line directly to Spica another 30 degrees through the sky. It appears to be an equal distance from Arcturus as Arcturus is from the Dipper handle. Spica rises just as the Sun sets in early April, about an hour after Arcturus has risen.
The best time to view the constellation of the Virgin Priestess where Spica is located and the Constellation of Bootes is February through July. October is the only month Spica is invisible. In early November and December, you can see them both in the morning sky looking toward the eastern horizon.
Visible Planets with Spica and aligned with Arcturus!
Spica - 8 minutes
Spica and Arcturus - 5 minutes
My Star Alchemy has three courses including the Zodiacal Constellations and how they differ from the signs.
We have also explored the Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists and the Magic of the Stellar Triangles.
Find out more HERE
I am a man that has traveled decades, lifetimes and lightyears to reach this same conclusion:
“There are no medicine men without medicine women. A medicine man is given power by a woman, and it has always been that way. A medicine man stands in the place of the dog. He is merely an instrument of woman. It doesn’t look that way anymore, but it is true.”.
If more men would be comfortable “in the place of the dog”, the better, for all sentient beings. If more women would honor a man “in the place of the dog”, how lovely. It’s pure irony!! As a dog, I really dig this …
The most advanced initiates in ancient times knew that “a man has no existence”, apart from a woman/the goddess. This is a paradox. It’s like emptiness in Buddhism. Many men are terrified of “being nothing”, so they become usurpers/predators in one way or another. It’s THE tragedy of masculinity. Well, that will come to pass, as the distant Goddess will return, eventually, with all her FORCE.
I also loved your definition of equality, Cayelin: “the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine harmoniously working together as conscious equals – not equal the same but equal in the value they bring”. It’s all about self-worth.
Be blessed!
Wow thank you Sar for your sharing and insights. I am humbled by your wisdom. As you say it truly is about self-worth and that comes from the inside out – not the outside in. However, I also know it is helpful when we are supportive and celebrate one another along the way. I am inspired to share the lasts lines from the Charge of the Goddess as shared by Starhawk that affirms this…
And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.❣️🙏❣️🙏❣️🙏
It was like hearing Hathor speak to the aspiring elderly Horus, the last lines, from Starhawk. Thank you!
It’s the 23rd of September 2021 – and I wander into your world – site – on this day – where at this moment Spica and Arcturus are conjunct 24 degrees in Libra – right on my natal 24 Libra – and I read your words and am just sitting smiling knowing that I have found this for perfect due course – in this moment – for we have much to do – I would pick up the phone to call you right now and talk for hours upon hours about this very instance – thankyou x
Absolutely Beautiful !!!
Ahhh thank you Cari. This lights up my day! Here’s to the magic and mystery of Spica and Arcturus (currently at 24 Libra) taking 72 years to shift one degree so hanging out here for a very long time.❣️🙏
Love reading your story again and it has greater depth each time I read it and after the reading I just had with you! What is standing out to me is that my husband and I both have Jupiter near this exact point of 24 degrees of Libra… and we have been feeling more and more the pull to focus on the divine feminine and masculine together in our relationship and with others… We also met in 1992 at the Libra New Moon… and have always felt a divine mission with the Divine Feminine and Masculine together… I also loved reading about the Medicine Woman book as I read that so long ago and you have inspired me to read it again as I just was packing it up as we made our sojourn across the country from Maine to Sedona! Arrived this past Sunday evening!
Infinite love and gratitude,
Deborah El’elia
Thank you so much El’elia for taking the time to share and love that you and your husband are feeling the pull to focus on the divine feminine and masculine relationship you have with others as part of your divine mission. The world so needs that now! I so loved re-reading Medicine Woman and imagine you will too! This year I have re-read several of her other books and have started working on reading ones I hadn’t read yet. Its been amazingly insightful and inspiring. AND…Congratulations on your move to Sedona. Woohoo! Imaging we will connect in person one of these days now that we are living in the same state! 🙂 Much love and helpful energy for completing your move!
Love this story, Cayelin, and apparently everyone knew you were/are a medicine woman but you! I certainly did. Yay for Peter!
I will use your chart as to when the moon is near Spica, as Spica is “my” star, according to Daniel. These are incredible times.
Ahhhhh thank you Squidge. I just got back from a Medicine Woman retreat where I met several women from where you are and they are excited to connect so maybe a trip your way will be happening again. Its been way too long since we last saw you. Hoping the sky is clear here to see Moon near Spica the next couple of nights! 🙂
Oh, would LOVE to see you two! Would welcome a visit. You room is still here though filled with paintings.