Happy March Equinox Coming up Quick! This month I did not write anything for the Celestial Timings because I was first at the Conscious Life Expo (so fun) presenting on the astrology panel and I also presented on Mercury and Communication Styles (also fun) and then...
2022 February Celestial Timings
Happy Chinese New Yearof the Water Tiger andthe Imbolc Cross-Quarter! Plus the number magic is extra cool this month.We have 02.02.2022followed by 02.20.2022followed by 02.22.2022 It feels like we are on another wild ride in 2022. It feels like surfing the Zuvuya*, as...
November 2021 Brief Look At Timings
The November 2021 Briefer Look at the Celestial Timings I had hoped to have some NEW videos to share but due to traveling and other factors that hasn't happened yet. I am hoping to get them done in the next week or so. This photo of Peter with our Grandson Gryffin...
2021 August Celestial Timings
Welcome to the August Celestial Timings The Sun is Illuminating the Mysteries of Self-Love until August 22 when it passes the Heart of the Lion. Below is a great reminder from Ken Keyes creator of the Living Love Method. …we are always loveableand the world has a...
2021 July Celestial Timings
Welcome to Sirius and the Sun Magic ANDThe Day Out of Time When Sirius Rises with the Sun 2021 July Timings PDF Story about Duck Magic that happened on the Day Mercury Stationed direct An important highlight this month is Venus and Mars joining together in Sacred...
2021 May Celestial Timings
Happy Beltane - A Time for Real Magic I LOVE MAGIC! And I love living a magical life. Beltane has often been a highly magical time for me and this year I am delighted to be part of the FREE Real Magic Summit starting May 3. I share many stories about working with the...
2021 April Celestial Timings
Happy Easter April 2021 Celestial Timings PDF This is a time when we are continuing to navigate new territory through what we perceive is true or not true outside the boundaries of ordinary reality while simultaneously moving forward full speed ahead......
March 2021 Celestial Timings
Happy March Equinox Coming up Quick! Plus, I am so excited to be celebrating my 65th Birthday this month with my Beloved BHE (Best Husband Ever) shown together here in the Catalina Mountains near Tucson. Another feature of this birthday is that I have now outlive my...
2021 February Celestial Timings
Happy Imbolc Cross-Quarter As mentioned in the January timings the energies of this year might be less intense but again they might not and as we saw in January there is a lot of unrest and violence that reached a boiling point and is currently simmering. Our...
2021 January Celestial Timings
Welcome to the New Year 2021 Though perhaps less intense astrologically than 2020 the momentum of 2020 will carry into 2021 and we have an opportunity to be a part of the New Energies now available through attention and intention. It is definitely time to Wish On the...