Welcome Sisters Soaring Heart to Heart
Below are your free gifts including the slides from my presentation!
Presentation for Sisters Soaring 2021
The Venus Audio offered here describes the Venus cycle and its importance for connecting with our emerging divine feminine expression for a woman or the connection to the inner sacred feminine for men.
Said another way it is the aspect of the Goddess we are learning about in this life.
The audio below on the Inanna/Venus Journey takes you through a 27 minute guided journey of death and rebirth (ALCHEMY) described by the Venus Synodic Cycle as told by the Sumerians – Inanna descending to the underworld, dying, being reborn and ascending from the underworld, what it means and why it is important to us NOW.
Venus/Inanna Story and Journey - 27 minutes
If you find this information valuable, insightful and
want to know more or stay connected to these mysteries
you can sign up for my FREE monthly newsletter in the footer.
If you would like to learn more about your Living Blueprint
Including Your Venus Signature and What Aspect of the Feminine
you are here to embody
I am offering a special on personal sessions.
Contact me at cayelink@gmail.com for details.
Here are links to videos that go deeper into what was
covered in the presentation
Link to Article on Eris inspired by the Q & A session.
This link takes you to a PDF covering the Venus Cycle Overview, Historical Data Including the Venus Cycle you born into and shows when your next Venus Return Begins up to 2030 on Page 7
Working consciously with the Venus Cycle changed my life and has changed the life of countless others – both women and men.
A new Venus Cycle began June 10, 2020. Details for the current Rainbow Goddess and New World Story Teller cycle are HERE. The evening star cycle details will be posted in April, 2021
For more about Venus Alchemy please check us out at https://venusalchemy.com