My Star Alchemy has three courses including the Zodiacal Constellations and how they differ from the signs.
We have also explored the Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists and the Magic of the Stellar Triangles.
Find out more HERE
In 2015 I posted an article about Dreaming into Wholeness with the Serpent Bearer, also known as Ophiuchus, the constellation that is often mistaken as the 13th sign due to the assumption that Signs and Constellations are the same. They are not the same.
Signs are Seasonal, Constellations are the Constant Backdrop (More or Less)
Signs relate to the seasons (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) and the Constellations are the stars that create a backdrop for the seasons to move through 1 degree every 72 years taking nearly 26,000 years for the seasons to make one entire circuit through these star patterns or constellations. You can find out more about the Serpent Bearer constellation and its powerful connections to dreaming and healing HERE.
I AM the Serpent Bearer! The Title and Slogan of My Magical Dream
Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer has been seen as a Masculine image. However, a lot of evidence suggests perhaps the original serpent bearer was feminine as the Snake Priestesses of Ancient Greece and beyond have been around far longer and they also often served as Oracles including the well-known Oracle of Delphi. There is also the Cretan Snake Goddess in various depictions here.
On October 14, 2016, I awoke from a transformative dream in the Aries Full Moon Window, when the Moon was with Uranus and the Sun was with Spica opposite Uranus. These energies were potent and timely for an unexpected healing dream that also fit my own personal initiation cycles.
In the dream I picked up a wooden staff about 4 feet long. It was shaped like a large, very thick bodied rattlesnake. The snake staff however, was surprisingly light so it was easy to hold up over my head. I began chanting some words in another language that I didn’t know I knew and yet the words flowed from me naturally. As I chanted a shaft of bright light filled the staff.
I realized I was conjuring the snake that lived within the staff and in the dream I knew I had done this many times before. As the snake came alive in my hands I felt empowered and alive. Part of me was nervous, after all I was holding a live poisonous snake. Another part of me was calm, cool, collected and masterful. I had a growing sense that I was activating high magic.
I somehow knew, from another life perhaps, this snake had given me (and many others) a drop of healing venom by gently piercing the skin. This dream was so real I felt the snake moving in my hands as it brought its head around next to my left cheek giving me only one drop of venom – just the right amount for powerful alchemical healing.
When I woke up my entire physical body was electrified with an enlivening life force energy coursing through my body. I woke hearing these words repeating I am the Serpent Bearer! The feeling and imagery of the dream lingered powerfully with me all that day and into the days that followed.
As a result of this extraordinary dream I knew thad received a healing gift beyond the beyond of my ordinary reality.
Feeling of the Dream
I felt immense gratitude and awe at the timing. I haven’t remembered very many dreams in recent months so I was surprised to have such a crystal clear experience that fit so perfectly with my personal and collective Timing. I also felt nervous during the dream and some fear when holding a very large rattlesnake in my hands but also strangely calm and confident simultaneously. It was as if the part of me that knew what was really going on was very present in helping to calm my fear.
At the Time of this Dream My Initiation Cycles were so aligned
Chiron often associated with transforming poisons into medicine was squaring my Sagittarius Moon (that just so happens to be zodiacal aligned with RasAlhague – the crown chakra of the Serpent Bearer) very near precise. This dream felt like a confirmation on all the work I had been doing around personal healing over the past few years. The healing work I had done so far had been over decades but I had really stepped it up on all levels in 2010 and this was 6 years later.
2010 was when Pluto transited my Mars and that is when I made a powerful conscious commitment to creating radiant health and healing. The process began when I started a Candida Cleanse and eliminated many foods from my diet that cause inflammation. In the process I released 20 pounds of menopause related weight gain that I hadn’t been able to shift for over 10 years.
In November 2011, I added colonics and liver flushes to my healing journey. By October of 2016 I had completed 36 Liver Flushes and had added ionic trace minerals to further nourish my body after reading how we are all so mineral deficient due to mineral deficiencies in our soil – meaning that eating an organic healthy plant based diet is likely NOT enough to give us the minerals we need to be healthy.
Even with all these practices, there were (and are) times I felt discouraged about my progress, especially when after months of gut cleansing I would experience a set back say from accidentally eating something (usually hidden soy) that activated a round of digestive stress. When that happens I tend to feel all I have done hasn’t worked at all. Yes I can be dramatic! Many of you may relate? 🙂
So just before having this powerful dream I had been asking for signs in the world form to help me know I am on the right track, that I am making worthy progress and it is worth my time and energy to continue this journey.
Awaking from this unexpected and powerful dream, I knew it was a message assuring me I am continuing to transmute toxic poisons including those within my DNA and ancestral lineage. The healing venom tells me that I do have the strength to take any remaining poison within me and turn it ALL into my medicine.
This is the primary intent of the Shamanic Chironic Healing Journey – to transform the poisons into a homeopathic remedy, a healing potion, a magical elixir.
Additional Initiation Cycles Related to this Dream
At the time of this dream transiting Saturn was with Antares traveling through the Scorpion and passing below the Serpent Bearer also known as Ophiuchus (see article about the Serpent Bearer).
My Natal North Node (representing personal destiny) is within two degrees of Antares, the royal star known as the Golden Gate or key to the ascension portal at the center of our Galaxy is located in this part of the sky.
My Sagittarius Moon (22 Sagittarius 46) is closely zodiacally aligned with the fixed star known as Rasalhague (22 Sagittarius 42) the Crown Chakra of Ophiuchus.
Back in the late 1990’s, I learned how dream diagnosis was used in Ancient Greece. In the Healing Temples of Aesculapius (a.k.a Ophiuchus) built near healing springs throughout Greece – patients were placed in special dream incubation chambers. The patient’s dream was then used to determine the most supportive and individualized healing protocols.
The Crown Chakra of the Serpent Bearer
The head of the Serpent-Bearer in the Sky, where the star Ras Alhague is located, is said to be filled with powerful, ageless healing wisdom that has the potential to restore and revitalize.
The Sun passes through this part of the sky each December. In 2017 Saturn spent most of the year within 6 degrees of this star. It will be 2046 before Saturn returns to this area of the sky. If I am still alive at that time I will be 90.
Saturn (or any planet for that matter) in this part of the sky suggests an extra beneficial time to pay attention to your dreams and to ask for dream messages that will guide and help inform your next steps.
Transiting Chiron square my natal Sagittarius Moon aligned with the Rasalhague, being the timing of my Serpent Bearer dream was a clear affirmation of my own healing journey. Plus, Venus at the time of this dream was at the Solar Plexus Chakra gate of Personal Power on her ascent from the Underworld.
In the Venus Third Chakra online ceremonial class for the Leo MetaGoddess (from August of 2015 to March of 2017) we explored Dragon Energy, and how Dragon Lines represent the Ley Lines of the Earth where the energy meridians are most potent. Serpents (Dragons) and Snakes represent fertility and creative life force. A snake shedding its skin represents rebirth, transformation, renewal and healing.
Here are a couple of sentences of what was shared in that ceremonial third chakra class.
As we claim our power at the Solar Plexus Chakra we are invited to engage Dragon Medicine within our bodies as Dragon energy is now re-awakening on Earth. Many feel Shakti is Dragon energy and the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine corresponds to the awakening of the Dragon remembrance or awareness of this essential life force energy. Dragon medicine, Dragon Energy anchors our light bodies to the Earth so that we are fully sourced in life force through our connection to the “Dragon Lines, or Ley Lines,” that are the meridians and chakras found on the body of the Earth, a.k.a. Gaia.
The Western Diamondbacks at Faywood in 2016
As I woke up from this dream and began working with it, I remembered the unusual sitings of two western diamondback rattlesnakes we saw at Faywood Hot Springs, New Mexico three weeks before during our September 2016 Equinox Event. After our ceremony, in the Standing Stone Circle up on the Hill the first night, we went to soak in the healing waters.
I had the key to a large private pool, so I unlocked the gate and walked in, passing within inches of a large diamondback rattlesnake. I didn’t see the snake at first but the other women with me saw it as I walked by and were amazed at how still the snake remained.
Two women decided to walk past the snake as well. Another woman was more cautious. She decided to go to the office and get someone to remove the snake. The owner came and chopped off the snake’s head and the rattles – nine rattles in all. It was definitely an older snake probably about 4 feet long.
Having had several occasions where I have rescued snakes (including rattlesnakes), I felt bad the snake was killed for doing absolutely nothing wrong. (I have lots of Great Snake Rescuing Stories for another time). Yet, I also know this snake had offered it’s self in alignment with a Cosmic Divine Timing.
I once was afraid of snakes – especially rattlesnakes, but now I know them as animal allies. I remain respectful and cautious, while also not wanting them to be harmed. Of all the species of rattlesnakes the western diamondback is the most gentle, the least aggressive. They’re large and thick bodied just like the snake in my dream.
Interestingly, the next night at Faywood we encountered another western diamondback rattlesnake on our way to pools. This one was stretched across the road just about 20 feet from where we saw what looked like the exact same snake the night before. Similar to the picture above.
I am happy that the second snake disappeared before someone got there to kill it. It might have been the mate (or twin?) to the other snake because it was so close to where the other snake was killed the previous night.
My fantasy is that it was the same snake mysteriously come back to life much like the story of Asclepius who learned how to bring the dead back to life by watching a snake bring her mate back to life. Read more about this story here and scroll to the heading Asclepius Learns to Revive the Dead From a Snake
Snake/Serpent/Dragon as a Medicine Animal
Snake (especially rattlesnake) is a symbol of transformation and wisdom expressed through healing. She is a protector and guardian along with her sister totems, the Dragon and the Serpent.
Snakes symbolize awakening creative forces and increased intuition. They also represent wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly with acceptance. Snakes remind us that all things are equal in creation and when we encounter them it is time to grow and embrace new opportunities and/or changes.
Kundalini Life Force
Snake is connected to fire medicine, or the medicine of transmutation and alchemy. Physically snakes represent vitality, life force, kundalini. Emotionally they represent our dreams. Mentally they represent intellect and power, and spiritually they represent wisdom, understanding and wholeness.
Snake magic is connected to the Magician, transmuting energy and embracing the alchemy of fire. The kundalini life force within each of us connects to serpent or snake medicine. So questions to ponder, might be:
Are you afraid of your own life force and power? If so are you holding yourself back from experiencing the power and strength of who you really are?
Are you embracing your life force energy and expressing it in ways that are healing for you and those around you?
What would it take to express your own kundalini energy at the next higher octave for you?
Moon with Rasalhague
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Email response to this Article
Cayelin, Thank you. I’m so pleased and love that you wrote about your dream and the Faywood snake experience. A really great article! Especially as I was right behind you crossing the threshold by the rattlesnake when we were at Faywood.
I’ve been having dreams with snake this transformative year and working deeply on change. I don’t usually embrace change but, I am now as I work with Venus cycle. Thank you so much for how you have inspired me with the Venus Cycle journey. It has changed my life.
I wanted to say that I was touched that night at Faywood with how beautiful the snake was. I feel it was a “she”. I watched her death because I’ve learned to face many distasteful, horrible, gut wrenching situations head on to make me strong…for what comes next in my life. I wish that it was not so but, its part of my warrior self. By not turning away from her death I probably gave the impression of heartlessness.
I knew she was a sacrifice and I wanted her death to be swift with no suffering. It was.
I still have the rattle and I feel a bond with Faywood and all the women who were there. If my memory is correct we were the ones there with her. I will work with the rattle and pass it on, perhaps, between us for working with. Snake is very sacred to me.
There were 9 rattles….9 is the “ending” number. My companion died at 9:27 pm (9+2+7=18=1+8=9) reducing to a 9. My brother died at 7:27 pm (7+2+7=9) also reducing to a 9. Hmmmm, and it was almost 9 yrs ago! Interesting.
I follow Joanne Walmsley – Sacred Scribes from Australia. http://
Comments from Facebook Posts about this article
Kat Seekatz Wow Cayelin! I actually remember you telling me of these dreams. As I was reading this I had a physical reaction, like a sudden jolt. I was covered in goosebumps. My Scorpio senses are heightened now cause of the sun’s position and I had such a visceral reaction. Thanks for sharing. 🤔
Susan Brown I feel the Scorpio too! It’s my Ascendant energy. And I so love feeling it. Very perceptive writing. Worthy of a Scorpio. Thanks Cayelin. I had a profund Scorpio rattlesnake close encounter 2 years ago that transformed me and impelled me to write a book about it. I’ll self publish it soon, as just this past August-ish the ending came to me perfectly in it’s own time. So this is a very dramatic shift in my reality, in a beautiful expression, triggered by a sudden jolt of snake medicine. It’s raw power! Like a cosmic zap. The death/rebirth cycle. Snake medicine is a very powerful catalyst for that.
Lace Chess Magical..thank you!!❤
Mariam Bennani Funny, every year on this exact date (Dec 15) I get messages: sometimes from dreams, sometimes through movies, others through meditation. This post was from today’s date last year: “Forgive urself for all the labels you have given urself. They are not your Truth. All the people you’ve encountered whom u thought have hurt you or neglected you or not loved you, have only been disconnected from their Truth because of their own pain.
Pain is merely dust, dust that accumulated and created a mask.
Dust is not solid, blow it away. Only your love can blow it away.
So Love. Love deeply. Love from your heart, with all your infinite heart, even if only silently.
You have always been deeply loved,
You will always be infinitely loved.”
Yesterday in my dream I witnessed two scorpions on each of my thighs as I was lying down in a field. I panicked and didn’t know what to do; then a female snake appeared and taught me how to remain calm and centered in my heart until the scorpions went their way. They were only curious but I was definitely scared. And of all the animals that I’d imagine to help me, I absolutely did not think of snake first.
Cayelin’s reply: Since the Serpent Bearer is above the Scorpion this dream seems very inspired by the Cosmology. Thank you for Sharing
Renée Arielrose Persephone came to me last night. I’ve realised now – I am her

Nancy Lankston I totally agree that the serpent bearer was originally feminine. Aesclepius represents men trying to co-opt her power. Early Greece was actually a very sexist warrior culture. Here’s to the return of the true snake goddess!
Cayelin K Castell Thank you Nancy for agreeing…It feels like we are so onto something here. Prior to Patriarchy – Greece and many other cultures honored the Goddess and the Divine Feminine in her strength and power. Its time for that to be true again though not power over the masculine, rather in conscious equal partnership with the masculine. I imagine a truly amazing world where that is already true!

Nancy Lankston YES!

Taft Eileen I love the Goddess Serpent Bearer and especially the ancient artifacts depicting Her. This is a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing.
Megan Beachler The dream I had last night was a download on how we are all connected reflections of the One. It’s like billions of mirrors all set at slightly different angles yet our reflections are all of the same source. The distortions we see looking into these mirrors make us believe that we are different, yet this is only illusion. When we develop negative feelings about others, it is a reflection of issues we may have hidden in ourselves and need to be examined. By embracing them and understanding their origin, we develop compassion for others.
Cayelin WOW that is a powerful message and imagery to work with!
Stacy Miller Thanks Cayelin! I had a vision of this Snake Goddess earlier today, great questions in your dream remembering 💕
I woke one morning to a voice in my room saying “I am the serpent bearer ” what does this mean for me
It might have a different meaning for you than it did for me but both articles may have clues for you as the meaning. Dreaming into Wholeness with the Serpent Bearer gives more of the mythic story a bit further down the post. Hope that is helpful?
Great article Cayelin! Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this powerful dream experience. It is helping me to understand what has been going on in my life recently and I am grateful!
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Cybele. This article is helping me remember. YAY…