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What people say about Cayelin’s Readings

Dear Cayelin, You are so talented, brilliant and wonderful! I really treasure your wisdom. I look forward to your insights in the Celestial Timings and the reading you did for me I absolutely loved. I treasure your work and your work is priceless! Wendy W
Dearest Cayelin Wow! My session with you was FABULOUS and I can only begin to tell you how meaningful it was. You clarified all the things that were weighing on my mind and I am so ready to walk into a more fluid and playful future knowing that my inner guidance is all I need to have the future I could not have even imagined months ago.
The Universe and Spirit have thrown some interesting circumstances my way. Reaching for my Destiny now feels ease-filled and promising. I am deeply grateful for the way you have shown me, for your wisdom … and most of all for your (and Peter’s) caring. You are both precious in my world and my life. With deep gratitude and loving thoughts, Bonnie
Dear Cayelin, What an amazing experience! A great birthday gift to receive your insights and so many clues as to the events, tensions, challenges, and forces in my life. After the session, I felt more hopeful and confident that my life is progressing in a good way, despite moments when it might feel difficult. You are so gifted and joyous. I appreciate you and Thank You! Antonia
I so enjoyed connecting with you. Thank you of the wonderful reading and suggestions. I’m beginning to ponder what I’m going to do for myself for my birthday. I think I’m going to go for an 8 mile run in the bosque and finish my Woman Rising painting that goes inside my altar piece. It’s a rebirth painting and an archetypal self-portrait. Seems divinely fitting to finish it on my birthday. And thank you for the recording link! I look forward to re-listening to it. Amy
Thank you for the wonderful session. It was so powerful and surprising. I have a different perspective today. This happened after my first shamanic astrology reading when I felt the shift to ‘I chose this’ instead of feeling like a reed in the wind. This time I woke with new energy and a new appreciation for my Venus and the Jupiter return and the Capricorn energy, etc. I feel so blessed. Thank you. Melody
Cayelin-Thank you for a wonderful session. It was extremely helpful and insightful. I look forward to learning how to play, be creative and have fun. Many blessings, Deborah
Hi Cayelin, Thank you also for the amazing information you so lovingly transmitted to me. It never ceases to amaze me the timing of our encounters and the information relayed. Our 3 sessions together gave me a priceless glimpse into my Higher Self’s wisdom, and also helped the human part of me understand so much of the past several years.
It would be great if we just lived each day fully without wondering about tomorrow, as so many masters have told us; however, the human always feels better when understanding at this level sets in.
Thank you for being that angel that brought my human to such understanding at this time in my life! And you know what I really loved about the way you delivered the information? How you provided the possibilities while staying neutral! Wishing you a beautiful day! With love, Beatriz Orive
You are like an Oracle. I don’t always remember what you said, but I know you ignite things, you catalyze things, because you are a remarkable catalyst. Normal human beings aren’t always the best catalysts. I find that it helps to have someone like you to get outside support. It’s not even always so much what you said, it’s your energy. It’s a real gift you have and I am grateful. I am in grateful remembrance for how you have opened doors and paved the way for Heaven on Earth in these times. Matt California
Cayelin, thank you for your loving support. I must say that it feels like you are destined for some very important things, or at least, some very major growth in this lifetime. I appreciate your openness and trust. I really want to acknowledge you for the significant beautiful being that you are and the energy that you carry. Anne
Hi Cayelin! Thank you soooo much! I’ve downloaded the files and I’m listening to the terrific session recording! What great timing for me to have a session. Your insights are totally awesome and give me lots to work with. Much love and blessings for a wonderful new year’s cycle! Aloha, Karinna
I really enjoyed my reading yesterday and have felt quite a surge of energy ever since finishing our conversation! It felt like a homeopathic sacred reset, which is what I’d intended for the session. I can feel a wave of ‘getting my Aries on,’ for sure. 🙂 Ann
Gratitude for this chance to sound things out — In your voice, I felt held in an open space of becoming … a safe container that can understand, encompass and embrace all that I am … without either judgement or bewilderment. I felt the depths of wisdom & compassion in you. I felt safe to let it rip. That is huge! Blissings, Maya
Thank you Cayelin for the reading you did for me over a year ago. It was truly helpful. I am doing more and more that feels good to me, and as a result, I’ve been able to let alot of unhealthy relationships and choices go. I’m also a paid member of Celestial Timings, and I find the information on how to use the transits invaluable. The information has really helped me to negotiate several areas of my life into new and better places. Thank you for all you do. Kind regards, Lisa James
Hi Cayelin, I can not express my gratitude enough for the wonderful on-going sessions (a series of 6) and wow each one is better than the last. You are so articulate, knowledgeable and fun! I appreciate how supportive and kind you are. Thank you again. Cynthia M, San Diego
Dear Cayelin, Thank you so much for contributing so much to me and the rest of the planet. I think you are beyond wonderful. Your readings have helped me understand so much about myself and my journey. I know all who you come in contact with are vibrating at a higher frequency than prior to meeting you and being in your field. Love, Margaux, Atlanta
Dear Cayelin, Thank you so much for a wonderful reading. It feels like you have given me keys to successfully engaging my journey. Your love radiates through your beautiful voice and brilliant words of wisdom. I am so grateful. S. Jones, Missouri
I have always found a unique dimensional depth in readings given to me by Cayelin Castell. She is certainly “in tune” with the frequencies of astrology in it’s archetypal presentations within one’s astrological dynamics, as well as on a planetary scale. Maia Christianne Nartoomid+
Cayelin, I believe Shamanic Astrology has opened up a brand new lease on my life! With your help and all the other signs I am receiving, plus more I know I will receive, I feel all this is bringing me to my real life’s purpose. Everyday from now on will be taking me there! I have said it before and I am sure I will say it a million more times, Thank you for living your passion and helping me to understand who I am! You are a blessing!! Joan, St. Marys, PA
Thank you Cayelin for the wonderful reading last year (2006). This has been the year of my nodal return, as you may recall. I am in the midst of being 56 years old and have been following Venus through the sky since last December, and doing ceremony related to the 7 chakras and bringing those vestments back into myself as my Divine Feminine energy. Sometimes I did this alone, and other times I was able to share it. Some ceremonies were more planned and ritualistic and others were simple and plain, but always pure and sacred. It has been a wonderful review for me of the energies of myself, and being able to consciously celebrate them from any new perspective and wisdom I now have has truly been a blessing in more ways than I feel I am even aware of at this time. Thank you!
The most amazing thing to me, however, was since I was following Caroline Myss’ descriptions of the 7 chakras in her book The Anatomy of Spirit, I had no idea how I was going to go about bringing in the final 8th chakra vestment. I had no idea what that energy was all about and as far as I knew had not experienced it fully although I may have passed through it from time-to-time.
And then, the most perfect timing ever occurred (which is truly one testament to following your daily readings.) On July 17 when Venus was passing through and collecting her final vestment before going retrograde, the announcement to “Fire the Grid” was coming through loud and clear. So, I did ceremony with the hundreds of thousands of others for an hour in the early morning that day and had the most incredible experience. I actually felt one of the beings, a presence, touch my right shoulder and nearly came out of my meditation it was so real, but then stayed and waited to hear them tell me, “LIVE IN YOUR LIGHT BODY.” This has touched me so powerfully that I am in tears with gratitude as I write this message to you.
Now, it is up to me to follow this directive, suggestion, whatever you wish to call it, but I have received the message that will get me through and keep me on the path, so to speak. Life is so amazing when we open ourself to the magic and miracles all around us. It is my prayer that I will be able to continue to share this message with as many as come before me and meet me in my journey. I am forever grateful for having chosen to have you do a Shamanic Astrology reading for me and honestly, this is but one example of the many, many miracles I have experienced over the past year because of it. ~ Georgia, Sedona Arizona
Hi Cayelin, You did a Shamanic Astrology reading for me in the spring of 2005. Recently, I was led to listen to the tape again and review the materials and I was absolutely blown away to the point where I had to leave you this message just to say thank you very much, because literally every sentence you articulated is exactly what has transpired. I mean I am a living and breathing example of how accurate this is. So anyway I really just wanted to extend a heart felt gratitude to you for your work and I am sure I ‘ll be contacting you again in the future to do different things but in the meantime I wanted to let you know just how accurate and wonderful you are and I am thoroughly enjoying relistening to the recording two years later. I very much appreciate your work. Jeanine, New York
My Shamanic Astrology reading with Cayelin Castell was life-changing for me. The deep simplicity of the Shamanic Astrology system helped me to quickly see the areas of my life that I need to de-activate, and the areas that I need to begin to move toward more fully. I also was visited by 3 Ravens during a key point in the reading, making it a deeply mystical experience for me. I am honored to have been touched by Great Spirit in this way. Carol Ann Ciocco, Pennsylvannia
Cayelin – I have to share with you I have been transcribing the reading you did for me and I am going through this powerful kundalini activation. It is sooo wonderful! I get everything. I knew I was suppose to call you and I am ever so glad I did! My gratitude is beyond words. Leilani, California
Cayelin, What a wonderful field of spiritual smorgasbord, your Shamanic Astrology reading has been for my Heart and Soul. As I so deeply appreciate the archetypal rivers of connection that your Celestial Timings provide in a broad constellated sweep, allowing for alchemical transmutation through the parade of sequential star-based elixirs you so eloquently illuminate.
The Reading you have given me for my individual chart describing my unique passage through the veils and windows of healing energies orchestrated by stars and planets, has added precise neural Pathway surgery to my cognitive landscape. Now, I can refer to the intersections of signs, star-points, planetary influence that relate directly to my acceleration of growth.
Your sage guidance, has added navigational intelligence to the therapeutic stepping-stones which so lovingly, so piercingly engage the crossing of Fields of awareness.
Many times, ceremonial engagement during these dates recommended have Re-Architected old perceptual structures, and Now I See with sharpened spiritual eyes, deeper into the unfolding Mystery, into the intimate assembly of Knowing. I credit your Reading with loosening the tightly bound weave in hidden shadows of consciousness, like archetypal forceps, lifting/sifting/shifting deep seated and stuck Viewpoints that have been so crusted in primordial psychic strata. I Love the Work, the Journey, the adventure of Self Discovery that your Reading has sculpted into poignant Understanding.
Thank You So Much. Matthew, Arizona
Thank you Cayelin for the life changing reading you gave me last year. I feel you gave me the validation I had been missing in trusting myself . Since my reading with you I have changed my life in ways I hadn’t thought possible and I am now living more and more of the “magical life” you described. I can not thank you enough for your kindness, warmth, brilliance and obvious passion for your work. Kaye, Nevada
I had a REALLY cool and informative Shamanic Astrology session with expert Cayelin K Castell. Interesting how accurate it was and gave me clarity on things currently happening and what is showing up…Humans have been studying the celestial skies for a LONG time…there is much wisdom to be learned and applied. I highly recommend a session with her.
Biggest takeaway from my session…my major life lesson and focus now due to planetary/sun/star/moon alignment is to Master Self Love. Also confirmation that I am moving into a time that I can help countless others and mankind with my unique skill set and life experience…which is an internal calling that has been rising in me. I intend to live a life of service that relieves the pain of other beings on this planet. ~Jeremy H