The Life Changing Possibilities of Any Venus Return especially the one at age 40.
Any Venus Return on the other side they felt more empowered than ever.
At the 8 year Venus Return (age 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88,86, 104) we have an opportunity to go through a letting go of what holds us back and move into a higher octave of why our soul incarnated.
This is why the Venus Return is such a powerful initiation when we choose to engage it.
The 5th Venus Return at age 40 includes the number magic of 5 Synodic Venus Cycles every 8 years. 5×8=40. And for me and many others I know was one of the most life changing experiences.
Recently in our Venus Alchemy group a participant asked for guidance from those who have been through there age 40 Venus Return Cycle. This was my response.
The gift of my age 40 Venus Return was being initiated into my Priestess self. I was blessed to be with my first circle of women who I felt really got me and supported me.
The challenges started with a death in the family and the ending of a significant family relationship through a massive betrayal (money related) and religiously based judgments demonizing me for having gotten pregnant outside of marriage. Never mind I already had three children and had recently been divorced because my first husband was cheating on me.
Interestingly my, age 48 Venus Return brought the money theme back up, so I decided to do more internal work on those issues and it was so worth it.
It took time but eventually it all turned around and now 20 years later I have been living my best, most magical and fun life for many years.
I am sure this is true for all who embrace the opportunity to feel your feelings no matter how messy. And for me it included no matter how much others in my family didn’t approve.
I wasn’t unloading those feelings on those involved but I was giving myself permission to feel angry, hurt, betrayed, etc. even though I was being told by some family members to forgive and move on. That’s when I realized I had never given myself permission to feel what I was feeling and it was time to do that.
I was just beginning to learn about the Venus Cycle during my age 40 Venus Return way back in the mid-90’s so I didn’t know how important feeling your feelings is in this cycle was but later I realized I had a first hand experience of it.
For those who are willing to engage this cycle in all its wonder, magic, messiness, challenges. etc trusting you will feel more empowered and more of your true self as this cycle completes

The response I received from sharing this was so helpful.
Thank you so much for this space to process these internal pressures and challenges, to feel seen with safety, empathy and compassion. This is medicine. Thank you, thank you, thank you
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