Aries Archetype and Aries Full Moon
1999 Cayelin with Sekhmet at the Sekhmet Temple in Karnak
The October 9, 2022 Full Moon in Aries is featuring Venus with the Sun, Jupiter not far from the Moon and Chiron very close to the Moon.
Seasonally Aries is a time of rapid growth and youthful, exuberant energy dedicated to the process of self-discovery.
This often shows up as a powerful commitment to a cause designed to test the strength and skills of a sacred warrior standing for what is just while upholdubg the cosmic order of life.

The lion headed Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet is a great example as she is actively committed to upholding and maintaining the law of Maat (sacred cosmic law).
She is committed to devouring any imbalance.or distortions that are in the way of cosmic justice for all.
The mantra is SA SEKHEM SAHU (pronounced Sah Saykem SahWho) and when repeated it activates the transformative power of the breath especially when focused on a specific intention.
This excerpt from Tom Kenyon’s Hathor Message about jumping timelines (from 2010) helps us to understand the power as we are collectively jumping timelines into a New Earth timeline where we are already ascended beings.
This is ascension in its simplest form. It is the expansion of consciousness and awareness. As your life force enters your higher brain centers and as your KA body becomes energized, you enter another phase of ascension. At this phase, you begin to metabolize light itself.
By light we refer to spiritual light, a light that exists in the spiritual realms. This light feeds the KA body and increases its vibration. When the KA body reaches a certain amplitude, or strength of vibration, without wavering, it ignites with a type of etheric fire, turning it into the SAHU, or Immortal Energy Body.