2025 Eclipse Table BelowFinding Upcoming Eclipses to 2030Read on for more about Lunar Eclipses During any Lunar Eclipse either some or ALL of the Earth's shadow is on the face of the Moon. Ideally, any lunar eclipse is a time for self-awareness of our own personal...
The Former Pole Star Vega
Vega is the also known as the Vulture star and to the Egyptians she was the Goddess Nekhbet - transmitting her mysteries to the Earth through Saturn (a feminine planet contrary to popular belief). Every year the Sun is with Vega January 4, 5, and 6 in the...
Partial Solar Eclipse
Eclipses open portals from the Great Above and are opportunities to consciously connect with what is hidden within in ourselves. See image below for where this eclipse is visible! . .Oct 25, 2022 is the next Partial Solar Eclipse at 2 Scorpio near the Star of Secret...
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter last traveled through the seasonal sign of Sagittarius from Nov 8, 2018 to Dec 2, 2019. Jupiter returns to Sagittarius in 2030 on October 22 and leaves Sagittarius in 2031 on November 15. (see table below) When Jupiter travels through the seasonal sign of...
Planets in Virgo
From the point of view of Virgo – Timing is Everything – especially when it is related to Earth Time as expressed through the natural seasonal cycles and rhythms of the Earth and Sky. The Sun enters Virgo every year around August 22.Mercury in Virgo stations direct in...
Antares near the heart of the Galaxy
Moon Occults Antares from Aug 25, 2023 to Aug 28, 2028. Additional Planetary Data at the end of this article, still a work in progress! Antares is a heart star, marking the heart of the Scorpion or Dragon as seen by the Chinese. In Chinese mythology, the Scorpion...
Chiron in Aries and the Power of Kindness
Chiron in Aries - Warriors for Kindness The quickest, most radical and truly life changing, shamanic healing action we can now take is to treat ourselves and others with kindness. Kindness is a powerful healing elixir** we can distill within and without through...
Planets With Regulus – Heart Star of the Lion~ess
My Star Alchemy has three Online series featuring two magical Stellar Gateways, the Zodiacal Constellations and the Behenian Stars or the Magical Stars of the Ancient Alchemists. You can save nearly 50% when bundling these courses. Details are HERE See short video on...
Chiron in Aries Healing the Wounds of Injustice
by Cayelin K Castell Chiron in Aries is about Shamanically Healing the wounds of injustice through at least three powers including: The Power of Forgiving the Unforgivable (see below)The Power of KindnessThe Power of Love Chiron in Aries is about healing...
The Emerald Tablets – As Above, So Below
Excerpt from the Emerald Tablets: Truly, without Deceit, certainly and absolutely, That which is above is the same as that which is below and That which is below is the same as that which is above In the Accomplishment of the Miracle of One Thing. An alternate Version...