High Ceremonial Magic at the Solar Return
I have found having an intent for my Solar Return and ceremonially engaging it either through going to magical places through hiking or other means (find out more about ceremonial hiking HERE) creates a kind of magic that just gets better and better!
One of my first ever more conscious ceremonial hikes that produced profound results was in 2002 on my 46th birthday. I was hiking Mt Wasson saying prayers and offering cornmeal when I had a magical and unusual encounter told in the audio below. I share this story to help inspire you in creating your own Solar Return/Birthday Magic!
Solar Return Birthday Magic - 29 minutes
On my 56th birthday in 2012, I went on a ceremonial hike with my beloved and every time he took a picture of me orbs showed up in the pictures. It was as if they were following me specifically as they didn’t show up in pictures I wasn’t part of that day. I have shared this one before because I love it so much. Maybe one of these days I will remember to track down the others and share them here too.
Here is a short article with more suggestions on doing Ceremony with specific alignments.

2012 Ceremonial Birthday Hike in Tubac Arizona with Orbs – there is a faint one right over my heart chakra!