Eris is a slow moving dwarf planet (560 year cycle) that disrupted the astronomical community in 2005 because they didn’t know how she should be classified – as a planet or asteroid?

This created a huge controversy ultimately demoting Pluto from a Planet to a Dwarf Planet – a new classification sparked by the discovery of Eris.

Interestingly this equalized Pluto and Eris both now considered dwarf planets. More is shared in the audio below.

Eris The Dwarf Planet and Her Story -14 minutes

by Cayelin Castell

 Chiron and Eris in 2025 and 2026

May 26 2025 Chiron conjunct Eris 25°Ar28′ D
Oct 08 2025 Chiron conjunct Eris 25°Ar16′ R
Mar 19 2026 Chiron conjunct Eris 24°Ar59′ D

Find Where Eris was when you born and where it will be in the future

 An Eris Ephemeris from 1900 to 2100


Eris Orbit Approximate Most Recent Years through the Signs

Aries          1393 to 1521 (128 years) and 1922 to 2048 (126 years)
Taurus         1521 to 1606 (85 years)
Gemini        1606 to 1642 (36 years)
Cancer        1642 to 1662 (20 years)
Leo             1662 to 1677 (15 years is the shortest time Eris is in one sign)
Virgo            1677 to 1693 (16 years)
Libra            1693 to 1714 (21 years)
Scorpio        1714 to 1740 (26 years)
Sagittarius  1740 to 1768 (28 years)
Capricorn    1768 to 1800 (32 years)
Aquarius      1800 to 1846 (46 years)
Pisces           1846 to 1926 (80 years)

Here is a comprehensive list of Eris through the signs back to 339.

SIGN          Year of ingress (approx.) back to 330 A.D. up to current time
Aries             339      866      1393     1922
Taurus         457      989       1521      2048
Gemini        510     1058    1606
Cancer         534     1088    1642
Leo               552     1107    1662
Virgo            567     1122    1677
Libra            585     1139    1693
Scorpio        609    1161    1714
Sagittarius  637     1188    1740
Capricorn   667     1217    1768
Aquarius    704     1251    1800
Pisces         763     1303    1846


2020 Significant Dates with Eris 

Aug 14  Mars 23°Ar30′ D Conjunct Eris 24°Ar30′ R Entering    
Aug 17  Mars 24°Ar29′ D Conjunct Eris 24°Ar29′ R Exact    
Aug 20  Mars 25°Ar28′ D Conjunct Eris 24°Ar28′ R Leaving    
Sep 30 Mars 25°Ar09′ R Conjunct Eris 24°Ar09′ R Entering    
Oct 3  Mars 24°Ar07′ R Conjunct Eris 24°Ar07′ R Exact    
Oct 7  Mars 23°Ar05′ R Conjunct Eris 24°Ar05′ R Leaving    

Venus Square Eris in 2020

Aug 30  Venus 23°Cn24′ D Square Eris 24°Ar24′ R Entering    
Aug 31  Venus 24°Cn24′ D Square Eris 24°Ar24′ R Exact    
Sep 1  Venus 25°Cn24′ D Square Eris 24°Ar24′ R Leaving    

Eris was also square Pluto and Jupiter Square at key points in 2020 and Venus reached Opposition to Eris in November 2020

Nov 8 2020 Pluto 22°Cp46′ D Square Eris 23°Ar46′ R Entering 1:10:33 AM MST
Nov 11 2020 Jupiter 22°Cp44′ D Square Eris 23°Ar44′ R Entering 9:44:52 PM MST
Nov 17 2020 Jupiter 23°Cp41′ D Square Eris 23°Ar41′ R Exact 12:34:27 PM MST
Nov 22 2020 Jupiter 24°Cp39′ D Square Eris 23°Ar39′ R Leaving 8:39:23 PM MST

Nov 15 2020 Venus 22°Li43′ D Opposite Eris 23°Ar43′ R Entering 8:46:05 AM MST
Nov 16 2020 Venus 23°Li42′ D Opposite Eris 23°Ar42′ R Exact 4:06:29 AM MST
Nov 16 2020 Venus 24°Li42′ D Opposite Eris 23°Ar42′ R Leaving 11:26:22 PM MST