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Al Hecka marks the southern tip of the horn (25 Gemini 03)
The horns of the Bull are on the eastern edge of the Milky Way where it crosses the Ecliptic creating a Galactic Cross in the sky. This helps us understand why the Bull has such an important role in many ancient mythologies including the Egyptian concept of how one enters the Elysian Fields as the hero/ine must pass by the bull that guards the route to the West, or the Elysian Fields.
In Greek and Roman mythology this was the home of the blessed, a location or state of ideal happiness also known as paradise. (see more extensive definition below)

Planets zodiacally aligned with El Nath (22 Gemini 51) the Northern Horn of the Bull
Sun passes here June 13 every year
Venus and Mercury dates vary each year
Mars passes through here about every 2 years.
Moon passes through here once each month and from September 2023 to April 2027 the Moon is passing over this star in a series of Lunar Occultations amplifying the knowledge, wisdom and insights available to us from Elnath.
Jun 11, 2024
Jul 24, 2025
May 12 2026
Aug 23 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 05, 2025
May 28, 2026
May 08, 2025

Bull Metaphors
Proverb: when you mess with the bull, you get the horns meaning if you provoke someone, expect an aggressive reaction.
On the horns of dilemma. (Having to make a choice between two seemingly challenging or perhaps equally amazing things)
Are you bullish or bullied?
Those who are afraid of of life, get bullied by others.
If you run from life, the bull will chase you.
Idiomatic phrase: like a bull at a gate meaning charging into some task without much thought, taking action hastily.
Hitting the Bull’s Eye – center of the target – or being right on target.
I hit the metaphorical bull’s eye. Whoohoo!
When confronting fears and demons – the truth in the bull’s eye is neither victim nor villain.
Taking the Bull by the Horns – mastering something – facing fears and doing it anyway.
When we live in peace fulfilling our own purpose, the Bull lives in peace fulfilling it’s own purpose.
Ferdinand the Bull
In Greek mythology, Elysium was a section of the Underworld (the spelling Elysium is a Latinization of the Greek word Elysion). “Elysium is an obscure and mysterious name that evolved from a designation of a place or person struck by lightning.
Elysium in Literature
The poet Virgil describes Elysium as having eternal spring and shady groves, with its own Sun – lit by its own stars. (Aeneid book vi:541).
In the Renaissance, the heroic population of the Elysian Fields included the bright allure of paradise.
After the Renaissance, popular poets were less influenced by Greek and Latin literature. As the vikings infiltrated their stories images of Valhalla (a cheerier after death place) entered the popular European imagination with some poets further evolving the Elysium perspective. Sometimes imagined as a place where heroes getting to continue their lives as they had before only happier perhaps filled with feasting, sport, song such as Friedrich Schiller’s Ode to Joy suggesting the “daughter of Elysium” was a thing.
Dante described the Elysian Fields as the very upper level of hell, a place of peace that the unbaptized and the non-believers who lived virtuous lives go. It is a place of happiness, but it is closed off from God and thus remains as hell.
Elysium in Neopaganism
Many Neopagans today, particularly Hellenic neopagans in the United States, have what most would consider a new-age view of Elysium as a multi-layered paradise, or Heaven.
Some believe that the outer realms of Elysium are composed of great and beautiful fields, with green glowing blades of grass and bubbling springs of glowing water and wine made from the nectar of Ambrosia.
Beyond the Elysium Fields, reserved only for the most righteous and virtuous, is the Golden City where spirits exist in a state of constant euphoria. Much of what many modern neopagans believe today regarding Elysium seems to be borrowed from popular Christian imagery of Heaven.
Again…more of the article here
The Elysium Fields have had many meanings. It seems it is up to each individual to feel into what the Elysium Fields means to them. When planets are passing through this area of the sky it is a good time to dream into this meaning, ideally by having a visual connection to these stars when the Sun is not occupying this area of the sky.