Whirling Rainbow Prophecy
The Whirling Rainbow refers to halos or rings of light that encircle the Sun. This occur swhen a thin layer of cirrus clouds are present in the sky and the water vapour condenses, freezes into ice crystals and creates a rainbow of light around the Sun.
Sun halos are also called Sun dog, Sunbow or These Whirling Rainbows of light are also referred to as Sun Dogs or Sun Bows.
“Nature speaks in magical and mysterious ways if we are willing to listen. The Native Americans say it is a sign of change, they call it a Whirling Rainbow. It is an Ancient American Indian Prophecy:
‘There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children.
They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go……..We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner.
Men and women will be equals; all children will be safe, elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever.’”
Seeing a Whirling Rainbow is a reminder of this prophecy.

This is a Whirling Rainbow I was so delighted to capture in our Neighborhood in Dec 2023