Happy Imbolc Cross-Quarter

As mentioned in the January timings the energies of this year might be less intense but again they might not and as we saw in January there is a lot of unrest and violence that reached a boiling point and is currently simmering. Our opportunity is to use our attention and intention to fuel the power of love to help us solve our issues in best most supportive ways possible for all people and all life on planet Earth.

With SOOOOO much Aquarius happening this month including Venus moving into Aquarius on February 1 until February 25 and Mercury went Retrograde in Aquarius on January 30 and stays in Aquarius until March 15, the Sun is in Aquarius until Feb 18 reaching the exact Cross-Quarter on Feb 03 and of course we have Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius inspiring the question: What is Really Real?

This question is further inspired by Saturn (7 Aquarius) reaching an exact square to Uranus (7 Taurus) on February 17 (plus two more Saturn Uranus squares this year). This means we are being encouraged to question everything – especially what we consider to be real – because what we believe is real does become our reality or at least we perceive it to be our reality. Find out more about this in the February Timings PDF below.

2021 February Timings PDF

The February Timings include insights and star maps (where applicable) on:
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius 2020 to support the Videos Below.
Mercury Sationed Retrograde January 30 in Aquarius 
February Cross-Quater 
February Stars in the Sky 

All Planets Moving Forward 
Sacred Hoop of Stars 
Castor and Pollux 

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Here is a short video Describing the Venus Signature Series
with our Next LIVE Q & A in early February 2020 Exact Date TBA

You can also get a free Webinar that introduces
the Venus Star Phases when you get on our mailing list here https://venusalchemy.com/livingyourgoddessblueprintfree/