Super Conductors of Love
is a FREE Online Event March 9-30featuring the remarkable and super rare events of March 2025 and beyond including the Aries Pisces Dance of Venus, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn
activating the Alpha (0° Aries point) and Omega (29°Pisces) points in ways that hasn’t happened in 1000’s of years.
Martha Alter Hines and I were inspired last summer to host this free event to gather as many insights from various perspectives with helpful ways to navigate from some of the best of the best. If you are interested in a multi-faceted look at what is happening this month and beyond I highly recommend you join us.
Free Sign Up HERE

Mar 1 Venus Stations Retrograde see video below
Mar 14 Total Lunar Eclipse see video below and Mercury stationing Retrograde
Mar 17 St Patricks Day
Mar 20 Spring Equinox
Mar 29 Partial Solar Eclipse and Venus Rising into the morning sky.
Mar 30 Neptune enters Aries for the first time in 165 years.
Celebrating the March Equinox
Equinox Insights with Galactic Center Overhead and
Sacred Hoop of Stars https://cayelincastell.com/the-sacred-hoop-of-stars/
Jaguar Days Mar 02, Mar 22
March Night Sky Observing Highlights
March is when the Sun crosses over the Aries Equinox point marking the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Sacred Hoop of Stars (as they were known to the Lakota Sioux and other Plains Indians) are high in the sky after Sunset. This configuration of stars is what astronomer’s sometimes call the ‘winter hexagon’ though the Sacred Hoop includes the Pleiades on the outer edge rather than Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull. The top star of the Hoop this month is Capella and moving clockwise includes the Pleiades, Rigel, Sirius, and Procyon, and Pollux and Castor.
The Ecliptic (plane of the solar system also the path the planets travel) and the Milky Way (plane of the galaxy) intersect near the middle of this hoop of Stars forming a cross within a circle. The place of the intersection occurs at what is called the Galactic Edge, where we look out beyond our Galaxy. The center point of the cross is located between the feet of the Twins and the horns of the Bull. This intersection is the place in the sky where the summer solstice (0 degree Cancer) is currently located.
Orion and the Hyades are located inside the Hoop and are easily spotted this time of year. Interestingly, the Mayans perceived the sword of Orion as a sacred fire of creation inside a fire pit. Modern astronomers have discovered this is a place where new stars are being birthed!
Heaven’s Gate is a configuration of Stars that form a great equilateral triangle with two stars that form the outer edge of the Sacred Hoop already mentioned and they are Sirius and Procyon. The third star is Betelgeuse marking the shoulder of Orion. These stars were known as ‘Heavens Gate’ to Alaskan Shaman’s and represent another version of an entry point or entrance into incarnation. (Sacred Hoop Article)
Another stellar triangle is also becoming more visible this month rising later in the evening marking the tail of the Lion and featuring the bright star Denebola, 43 light years away.

Tucson Sky Temple tracking Equinoxes and Solstices

Tucson Sky Temple tracking Equinoxes and Solstices
March always features the Equinox. This is when there is a balance of day and night happening in both hemisphere’s on Earth though it is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Souther Hemisphere.
Be sure to check out new videos below and revisit the 15 minute video on some of the amazing features of the March Equinox and the Equinox Cracks.
Very informative Celestial Timings Cayelin.
I resonate & Thank You.
Thank you Lesley. Great to hear from you❤️
I followed you early in your career and now over 40 years later you came back to my computer screen. I know not why but legacy has come to be a strong word in my daily world. Thank you for who you were and who you have become!
Wow Deigh. I thought I had replied to your comment but I am not seeing it here. So great to know I am back on your computer screen. What a long strange trip it has been.❤️