All Times are Calculated for Mountain Standard Time

2023 Aug 23 Mercury went Retrograde 21°Virgo49 – On Sep 15 Mercury stationed Direct at 08 Virgo

2024 Aug 04 Mercury goes Retrograde at 04° Virgo – On August 28 station Direct at 21 Leo passing Regulus 3 times.
2024 July 16 to Sep 11 is the entire window of this Mercury Retrograde. Mercury enters the degree of the Station Direct point on July 16 and passes the degree of the Station Direct point onSep 11 conjunction. Retrograde Mercury is conjunct the Sun on August 18 at 26°Leo35′.

Coming up in 2030 Mercury goes Retrograde at 14 Virgo on Aug 15 and stations Direct on Sep 8 at 01 Virgo stationing with Regulus.

More Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Dates below…


Mercury in Virgo

The intent of Mercury (or any planet) in Virgo is to be more attuned to the natural cycles and rhythms of the Earth and Sky for the purpose of living in sacred harmony and balance with all life.

Mercury is the shapeshifter magician who slips in and out of the realms of Time. This is especially evident during Mercury Retrograde in Virgo.

Mercury is linked with Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus, the progenitor of the Emerald Tablets and Keeper of the Hall of Records. The Still Point or station point of Mercury provides unusual access to the Hall of Records within our own being, especially when we are cultivating awareness through intention and attention to these mysteries

Mercury in Virgo reminds us of the importance of being in resonance with the cycles and rhythms of Earth, Sky and the patterning of the natural world. This means when Mercury is in Virgo and especially when Mercury is retrograde in Virgo we have an opportunity to recover any forgotten connections we have to these cycles of sacred time.


The paradigm cannot truly shift until our collective mind abandons its exclusive relationship to secularized, chronological time and begins to absorb and operate out of SACRED TIME – time that is holographic, time that resonates with meaning, with spirit, with myth, and with soul. “Changing Our Minds About Time” by Geraldine Hatch Hannon Feb/Mar, 1996 issue of the Mountain Astrologer

The Patterning of Time

The Virgo Mysteries are linked with the patterns of life including the patterning of Sacred Time and Sacred Space. This includes the idea of “right timing” for maximum results or timing that is most aligned with the natural rhythms of life. This includes the right time to plant seeds, the right time to ceremonially call the rains, the right time to harvest, the right time to call for the return of the Sun, the right time to celebrate, the right time to pray, the right time to rest, eat, exercise, work and play.

Virgo understands this more than any other archetype. This is definitely the “right time” to tune in and align with your own supportive personal rhythms.

The human experience of Time is relative to the cultural perception of time. Our current understanding of Time is more a feature of our left brain dominant society and has been greatly influenced by our Gregorian Calendar that has the effect of fixing our experience of Time in a linear more materialistic way.

More recently our collective experience of TIME has speeded up and current human expression has no way to keep up with what is happening using our rational mind. This means we are literally being required to go beyond logic and reason for guidance in navigating these times.

This is easily supported when Mercury is retrograde in Virgo as any Mercury retrograde provides greater access to our right brain intuitive side.

Ultimately, the only trustworthy and true guidance available at any time, comes from our inner knowing. It is important to remember, that no one outside of you, knows better than you, what is best for you at this time.

This is about trusting your inner knowing even if you don’t necessarily know HOW you know – to figure out the best ways to show up, when to show up, where to be, and how to consciously navigate these intensely accelerating experiences.

The “informed universe” theory is based in the understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us when we consciously choose to co-create with Great Mystery. We are already co-creating our experience whether we are aware of it or not, so it makes sense to become a more conscious participant.

It is not so important to already know how to do this, rather it is important to know this is what we are learning how to do. It is time to take risks by trusting and following your inner guidance.

No one else can do that for you. Ultimately this is about embracing the freedom to choose and the responsibility that goes with making the choices that are shaping your reality. Sometimes this means being willing to choose to be with what IS in a place of acceptance.

What we resist persists…so acceptance is often the first step in conscious co-creative change.

The “informed universe” theory proposed by Ervin Lazlo suggests we are informing the universe as much as it is informing us. Interestingly, Ervin Laszlo is described as “the perennial maverick.” Thirty years ago his radical ideas presented a bold challenge to the academic community. Today, these same ideas are considered defining contributions to late twentieth-century scientific thought.

… the “informed universe” places Dr. Laszlo yet again at the forefront of contemporary scientific and, in this case, spiritual, thought. His paradigm-shifting theories intertwine the cutting edge of physics, evolution biology, information theory, and the Vedic teachings of ancient India. In this new conception of the “informed universe,” everything that has ever occurred is retained as holographic information throughout space and this information can be accessed anywhere in the universe simultaneously. Laszlo also applies these ideas to the human experience, with surprising and profound implications for our own evolution and for the evolution of consciousness itself.

More about this from Ervin Laszlo

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

2023  Mercury goes Retrograde at 22 Virgo on Aug 23 and goes Direct at 08 Virgo on Sep 15
2024 Mercruy goes Retrograde at 04 Virgo on August 04 and goes Direct at 21 Leo on Aug 28

2029 Mercury goes Retrograde at 02 Libra on Sep 02 and stations Direct on Sep 2 at 17 Virgo
2030 Mercury goes Retrograde at 14 Virgo on Aug 15 and stations Direct on Sep 8 at 01 Virgo

2035 Mercury goes Retrograde at 12 Libra on Sep 12 and stations Direct on Oct 4 at 26 Virgo
2036 Mercury goes Retrograde at 25 Virgo on Aug 25 and stations Direct on Sep 17 at 11 Virgo
2037  Mercury goes Retrograde at 06 Virgo on Aug 07 and stations Direct at 24 Leo on Aug 31

2042  Mercury goes Retrograde at o5 Libra on Sep 05 and stations Direct at 20 Virgo on Sep 27
2043  Mercury goes Retrograde at 17 Virgo on Aug 18 and stations Direct at 04 Virgo on Sep 11

2048 Mercury goes Retrograde at 14 Libra on Sep 14 and stations Direct at 29 Virgo on Oct 06
2049 Mercury goes Retrograde at 27 Virgo on Aug 28 and stations Direct at 13 Virgo on Sep 20

2050 Mercury goes Retrograde at 10 Virgo on Aug 10 and stations Driect at 27 Leo on Sep 03