Expressions of TimeOn TimeNo TimeFun TimeOne TimePast TimeFirst TimeEarth TimeDivine TimeKairos TimeFuture TimeSacred TimeHuman TimeGalactic TimeChronos TimeHands of TimePersonal TimeUniversal TimeCollective TimeThroughout TimeTime Out of TimeAccelerated TimeTime...
Celebrating the Equinoxes
A short video and audio about the March and September Equinox is below... Equinox: Equal Days and NightsThe equinoxes are the seasonal time of balance and harmony when the days and nights are equal in length. During the equinoxes, the Earth's auric or magnetic field...
Converging Timelines, Jumping Timelines, and other Time related Mysteries
Exploring Timelines and other Time related mysteries...updated in July 2021. This article explores the mysteries of Time inspired by the Day Out of Time (Mayan) that happens every year on July 25 and the 5 days out of Time (Eygptian) that happen in July and the three...
Reclaiming the Divine Sovereign Within
by Cayelin K Castell Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually,...
The Seasons of Our Lives – The Shamanic Timeline
The Earth has seasons as she travels around the Sun. There are four main recognized seasons, Spring when new life is growing and blossoming, Summer when the Earth is flourishing and abundant, Autumn when it is time to harvest and store up for Winter and of course...
Cathar Castle and The Time Portals
In 2007 I was blessed to help lead a group with Nancy Safford to France exploring the Magdalene Mysteries embedded there along with a Venus Node and 5 pointed star embedded in the land.When we visited the Cathar Castle Queribus perched high on the bedrock of a tall...
The Constellation of Coma Berenices And the Significance of Hair in my 2nd Saturn Return
In this audio I share about the symbolism of hair, how I was inspired to create a sacred intention donating my hair to locks of love as a way to activate my intention as I enter my 2nd Saturn Return, and the constellation of Coma Berenices. NEW The constellation Coma...
The Alchemy of Chiron
Astrological patterns are recognized in terms of the meaningthat we bring to inner and outer experiences,although we are perhaps in turn predisposed to the qualityof our experiences by the patterns themselves.However, rather than trying to pre-empt fate,to ward it off...
4th of July, Sun Apehelion, Independance Day, Sirius
Me and Ryan when he was about 6 months old Christmas of 1982 I love the 4th of July because my oldest son, Ryan, was born on this day in 1982 in the early morning hours before dawn. Over the years I have shared a lot about Independence Day in the Celestial Timings....
The 13th Sign Misunderstanding and Locating YOUR Seasonal Sun Sign
First of all, both the numbers 12 and 13 are sacred numbers in general and especially when considering the Moon. The whole idea that 13 is better than the so-called patriarchal number 12 has grown out of a misunderstanding about the importance of both numbers. The...