by Cayelin K Castell
Chiron in Aries is about healing whatever is in the way of a massive paradigm shift in consciousness for the purpose of restoring cosmic justice and the common good for all. First though we must be willing to take responsibility for our own lives and have the courage to commit to doing the inner alchemical healing work needed – shifting our personal vibration – restoring our own willingness to work for the Common Good and not just personal gain.
The Fierce Sacred Warrior nature of Aries is about protecting and standing for the Sacred – the sacredness of life, the sacredness of the Earth, the sacredness of the Sky, and the sacredness found in acts of Forgiveness, Kindness, and Love.
The Shamanic Healing Power of Forgiving the Unforgivable (Brief Introduction)
The journey to restoring justice begins with forgiving the unforgivable.
Whatever unforgivable things we have done to ourselves, done to others or have had done to us!
It is about clearing the slate so a NEW beginning occurs from a place of forgiveness, kindness and love.
To restore divine justice, the cosmic balance, and the common good, we must first restore it within ourselves. This is not easy or a quick fix as it requires willingness to see where we may have been unfair to ourselves or others, mean to ourselves or others, unforgiving towards ourselves or others. It may also include vengeance and retaliation for a perceived wrong we have been at the affect of or have perpetrated. We may also find we have been guilty of blaming, shaming, and complaining along with any number of other ways we might have harmed ourselves or others. (Will share more about this when I update this article)

That is why a powerful shamanic practice is to fully commit to self forgiveness for any part you may have played in creating pain for yourself or others.
My father did NOT want children. I was the first born so I was blamed for ruining his life. He was a master at shaming me – saying I was lazy, good for nothing and would never amount to anything. For years I did not realize how deeply all that had gone into my belief system, affecting how I experienced my life. Once I was aware of it I began the long process of forgiving myself for seemingly having caused my father so much pain.
Radical Forgiveness Worksheet and Website
Also Ho’oponono has been an important part of my forgiveness journey… You can find out more here and here

See Chiron in Aries Warriors for Kindness
It is interesting to note Chiron did not make any significant alignments with the outer planets until it squared Jupiter in Capricorn on December 08, 2019 and again when Jupiter is in Cancer in 2025.
Additional Chiron Data
Chiron stations retrograde July 26, 2024 at 23° Aries 32′
Chiron stations direct Dec 29, 2024 at 19°Aries 00′
Chiron Returned to Pisces September 25, 2018
Chiron Re-entered Aries on Feb 18, 2019 (Chiron Table of signs from 1926 to 2044 Astronomy of Chiron)
Chiron returns to Aries September 17, 2026
Chiron re-enters Taurus April 14, 2027 .
Chiron’s move into Aries
The Equinoxes mark the days of balance between light and dark when the Earth experiences equal hours of day and night. Chiron crossed the March Equinox (or Zero Aries point) three times energizing a significant Shamanic Healing process to restore cosmic balance and transform the wounds of injustice.
The last time Chiron entered Aries was Jan 28, 1968, or about 50 years ago from April 17, 2018. This was the first time Chiron entered Aries since it was discovered on November 01, 1977. At that time Chiron was around 3 degrees Taurus. However, it is interesting to note Chiron began the year 1977 in the late degrees of Aries moving into Taurus on March 29, 1977. See Chiron Table Astronomy of Chiron).Another feature of Chiron in Aries is it catches up to the dwarf planet Eris in 2025, suggesting there may be a further impact around transforming our wounds into our medicine, as Eris is about creating disruption so new growth can occur.
Dec 08 2019 | Jupiter | Square | Chiron | 01°Cp26′ D | 01°Ar26′ R |
Oct 23 2025 | Jupiter | Square | Chiron | 24°Cn35′ D | 24°Ar35′ R |
Dec 21 2025 | Jupiter | Square | Chiron | 22°Cn40′ R | 22°Ar40′ R |
This article explains Chiron the Asteroid, Comet, Dwarf Planet and Features a Chiron Table of Signs from 1926 to 2044 Astronomy of Chiron
Chiron the Centaur Myth Alchemy of Chiron
Would love to meet you,Not through utube
Wow, this is so spot on + exactly what I needed to hear today!.
My Mars is in Aries. So he just loves a crusade for the sacred!
Gathering my courage to forgive an unforgivable act.
Thank you Maya! I have Venus in Aries so I know exactly what you are talking about! 🙂
I love this. I have been anticipating Chiron’s return and doing the needed work to transform, accept and share my elixir that once was my wound.
I was born in 68 and my moon is in Aries
Happy Chiron Return. Love that you are ready to share your transformed elixir! Woohoo! 🙂
Cayelin, I appreciate your “take” on Chiron.
It’s of great interest to me that I went to work as Assistant to the Governor of Washington State in 1969 when Chiron was in Aries. It was there the entire eight years I was there. In terms of commitment and service to large numbers of people, hands down this was the most significant several years of my life.
Just last week I was inducted into a spiritual group with the name Karuna – it means kindness, compassion.
love and blessings.
Thank you Jo for sharing. Wow all you are sharing seems very significant and if I am remembering correctly you also have an Aries Moon so it would definitely be personal for you especially when Chiron in Aries transits that Moon! Loving that Karuna means kindness, compassion, love and blessings. What a great energy to engage for changing the world. 🙂
Yes, yes, and yes! Wonderful, inspiring article. Thank you Cayelin!
I see I didn’t reply to your sharing Nikkea as Chiron is about to re-enter Aries Feb 18. Thank you so much for your kind reflection on this article. I so appreciate it especially as I am really feeling Chiron’s powerful medicine today in the transition between Pisces and Aries (two powerful personal archetypes for me!)