Both the Spring and Autumn Equinox activate additional opportunities to Change Ourselves and our World…
More on Celebrating the Equionxes
Equinox Sun
At the Equinox, the Sun is tracking due East and due West all over the planet no matter how far North or South you are creating a balance of day and night or light and dark. This means the days and nights are equal in length. (More on Celebrating the Equinoxes HERE)
Equinox Cracks in the Earth’s Magnetic Field and the Arctic Lights
Researchers have found openings or cracks in the Earth’s magnetic field occur more often around the time of the Equinoxes, most especially the March Equinox!
40 years ago two researchers noticed this phenomenon (known as the Russell-McPherron effect) when the Solar wind pours through these cracks fueling the Arctic Lights (or Northern Lights in the Northern Hemisphere).
The Earth is surrounded by a magnetic force field, creating a space bubble around the Earth known as – the magnetosphere – tens of thousands of miles wide shielding and protecting the Earth from Solar Storms.
NASA’s IMAGE spacecraft and the joint NASA/European Space Agency Cluster satellites have observed immense cracks develop in Earth’s magnetosphere that remain open for hours. This type of event is most likely to occur around the Equinoxes and most especially the March Equinox called “Equinox Cracks” showing up as small as the size of California and as BIG or BIGGER than the entire planet.
While these cracks are open, magnetic fields on Earth are connected to those on the Sun activating the Aurora Borealis (Arctic Lights).
Nasa Article on Magnetic Cracks is not longer available this was the original link Article on Equinox Cracks shared about a ‘Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement’ called STEVE that happened at the edge of space over Alaska March 24, 2018 when a hot ribbon of ionized gas snaked through Earth’s magnetosphere over 124 miles above Anchorage, creating a luminous arc that rivaled the Moon in brightness. This is an Aurora like phenomenon that is only just beginning to be understood.
This last point means that NOW is the season for STEVE. The onset of northern Spring seems to lure the arc out of winter hiding.
The Power of the March Equinox With the Galactic Center Overhead
The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, has studied natural clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, ESP abilities. They discovered a specific window of time that consistently increased the accuracy of their test group by 400%. What they found is when Local Sidereal Time featured Galactic Center overhead (no matter the time of day) it supported more efficient use of everyone’s psychic talents.
This was first recognized by researchers at Bell Laboratory when they accidently began picking up radio emission from billions of suns in our Galaxy. They noticed this happened when Galactic Center was directly overhead. It helps to know the time this occurs as it shifts to 4 minutes earlier than the day before.
This means every 23 hours and 56 minutes, on planet Earth we have access to a doorway for connecting with cosmic energies that could change the world if intentionally energized. Imagine if we all gathered as a collective wave of intention to change the world transforming all the lower vibrational frequencies of fear, anxiety, survival, greed, judgment, power over others, etc to higher frequencies of Love, Joy, Compassion, Acceptance, Collaboration and Cooperation!
If we all spent time everyday sending loving energies with the intent to birth the New Earth in all her glory for the benefit of all life on our beautiful home planet, the transformation of this reality could happen “in the twinkling of an eye” especially if we coordinated with the Local Sidereal Time when Galactic Center is overhead.
However, the exact time is NOT as important as energizing such an intent on a daily basis. If you can do this between 6 and 8 am in the morning during the month of March then you are connecting with the Galactic Center effect.
I looked for the Sidereal Time of Galactic Center Overhead and the best I could find was when Galactic Center was on the Midheaven. Close enough if we are using 30 minutes before and after for the entire window.
On the Equinox March 19/20 access to this doorway of intention and possibilities is around 6:18 am PDT. The exact time shifts based on how far North or South you are but if you tune in anywhere within 30 minutes to an hour before or after the times given you can still catch the window. These times will be close to your Time Zone but again your latitude can make a difference in the exact time.
For example, San Francisco the exact point on March 20 is 7:05 am. San Diego is 6:45 am and New York is 6:52 am based on the local time zones and declination of these places.
Everyday the center point of this portal shifts to 4 minutes earlier. The Times listed in the Table below are approximate as each year the exact time may shift slightly and also where you are located will effect the exact time this is happening. Remember: our intention is stronger than the precision of the timing!
Date | Galactic Center Midheaven Rounded to nearest minute |
March 01 | 7:34 am Local Time |
March 02 | 7:30 am Local Time |
March 03 | 7:26 am Local Time |
March 04 | 7:22 am Local Time |
March 05 | 7:18 am Local Time |
March 06 | 7:14 am Local Time |
March 07 | 7:10 am Local Time |
March 08 | 7:06 am Local Time |
March 09 | 7:02 am Local Time |
March 10 | 6:58 am Local Time |
March 11 | 6:54 am Local Time |
March 12 | 6:50 am Local Time |
March 13 | 6:46 am Local Time |
March 14 | 6:42 am Local Time |
March 15 | 6:38 am Local Time |
March 16 | 6:34 am Local Time |
March 17 | 6:30 am Local Time |
March 18 | 6:26 am Local Time |
March 19 | 6:22 am Local Time |
March 20 | 6:18 am Local Time |
March 21 | 6:14 am Local Time |
March 22 | 6:10 am Local Time |
March 23 | 6:06 am Local Time |
March 24 | 6:02 am Local Time |
March 25 | 5:58 am Local Time |
March 26 | 5:54 am Local Time |
March 27 | 5:50 am Local Time |
March 28 | 5:46 am Local Time |
March 29 | 5:42 am Local Time |
March 30 | 5:38 am Local Time |
March 31 | 5:34 am Local Time |
Thank you, Cayelin! I absolutely love this. I’ve been outside for sunrise the last few weeks for the first time in a VERY long time as I just transitioned out of night work in restaurants (almost 20 nocturnal years!). This sun salutation practice alone, I feel, has really ‘tuned me in’…now with this additional information about galactic center on midheaven during this time of year, I feel I understand something of the ‘why’ even better!
I’ve got timers set for Chattanooga, TN for the remainder of the month of March. This will be an excellent supplementary practice during your Superconductors of Love summit. ❤️ I love learning from you! 🤗
Oh WOW Seth I am so thrilled this is helpful for you and you will be tuning in for the remainder of March 2025 and that you are joining us for the Super Conductors of Love Summit❣️❣️❣️
My BRILLIANT Priestess Sister!!! I love your brain-the way you connect Science, Mysticism and Magic lights up my mind and heart. I deeply value your years and years of exploration and experience in a world where so many are awakening to the As Above, So Below Mysteries. Thank Goddess you’re out there with legit info!! There is so much depth to your writing and the way you help us link what is happening scientifically with the astrological timings. Love you lady! Big hug!
Ahhh thank you Kim! I love this feedback so much and BIG LOVE and HUG right back! 🙂
Aloha and Mahalo Cayelin:
Wow! I just watched your YT video to take in your incredible information! It’s additionally exciting that I just relocated to Tucson and can BE at the Sun Circle for this year’s Equinox. Interestingly, I’m a 00’degree Cancer and my daughter who relocated here with me a 29’degree Pisces (Equinox baby@1987) and we both feel the palpable excitement for this year’s opening window! Also, I’ve been dipping my toes a bit deeper into Astrology and I’m finding your insight invaluable.
Deep thanks,
Woohooo…congratulations on your move to Tucson a truly magical place in oh so many ways. Maybe we can meet at the Sun Circle for Equinox? 🙂
Hello – does the time chart take daylight savings time into account? or do those of us outside AZ move the times listed one hour ahead starting 3/8? Gracias
These times are calculated for Pacific Daylight time but again the exact time Galactic Center is overhead is also influenced by latitude as explained above.
“Imagine if we all gathered as a collective wave of intention to change the world transforming all the lower vibrational frequencies of fear, anxiety, survival, greed, judgment, power over others, etc to higher frequencies of Love, Joy, Compassion, Acceptance, Collaboration and Cooperation.”
Thank you so much. A group of us is preparing a meditation for the Equinox with this exact intention in mind so being able to connect it with the Galactic Center timing is perfection. Much love and gratitude for your light and insight and I trust you’re feeling strong and rejuvinated. xo
Thank you so much Beckie. Love you are in a group preparing to meditate on such an awesome intent. It is why ancient cultures gathered at these important seasonal points because they knew how powerful the energies were and how that would magnify their intentions! I am joining with you and am getting more rejuvenated everyday! Sending Radiant Love and Light 🙂
Hi Cayelin,
I live in Melbourne, Australia. Could you give me some info. that would help me? to work out when it is at the MC for that location?
many thanks in advance
Hi Manika, It looks like March 20 in Melbourne GC is overhead around 6:19 am so March 21 is 6:15 am, March 22 is 6:11 am, March 23 is 6:07 am etc. If you can run charts you are looking for 27 Sagittarius 07 on the Midheaven in whatever location you are at. Hope that helps! 🙂
My confusion with this is.
Living in mountain standard time…so add an hour…from pacific time…
Now how do we adjust for daylight savings time..unfortunately here in NM we have daylight savings time…
Yes would love a monthly chart information on this or a website that has it calculated…
Thank you.
Hi Chyraelle,
The times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time but can be used for local time meaning MDT is close as the sky is turning overhead and shifting close to the times given in your locale. Galactic Center (GC) is directly overhead in South Western New Mexico around 7:08 am March 20. So that means March 21st its 7:04 am and March 22nd its 7:00 am and so on…I ran the charts for the GC on the Mid Heaven (highest point of the ecliptic) and that takes time to do so I won’t be doing other months anytime soon. Not sure if there is a website with the calculations for other locations and times. However, as mentioned in the article it doesn’t have to be the exact time but within 15 to 30 minutes of either side of the exact time will also be potent! Plus if you subtract 4 minutes each day from the times given you will be very close to connecting with GC when its over head. 🙂
Hi Cayelin,
Thanks for this information about the overhead galactic window and the accompanying chart of times. Would you include a chart like this each month, please.
Hi Christine, You are welcome. I am not seeing me creating additional tables anytime soon due to the amount of time it takes to put this together. However, you can get close by just subtracting four minutes each day. For example, April 1 would be around 5:30 am and April 2 around 5:26 am, April 3 around 5:22 am and so on. As mentioned in the article a lot of the timing is dependent on your latitude as well. 🙂
Hi Christine, As I mentioned in previous response it takes a lot of time to create the tables so I don’t see my self doing it anytime soon. However, if you are ambitious you can subtract 4 minutes each day and have a sense when GC is directly overhead. 🙂