This article is a work in progress! Stay tuned for more updates and insights. Here are the Slides from the Birthing Sky and Earth Summit 2022 from the first video below.

When the Moon reaches its maximum extreme at certain latitudes (Northern Scotland for example) the Moon is said to walk the land staying very close to the horizon when it is within certain astrological signs Gemini/Cancer at its Northern Extreme and Sagittarius/ Capricorn when it is at its Southern Extreme.
Sites around the world have been created or utilized to connect with this powerful timing including, Chimney Rock, Colorado, Callanish on the Isle of Lewis in Scottland and petroglyph sites such as Chaco Canyon. These sites capture the magic and mystery of the Lunar Standstill where ancient people’s gathered to bear witness and celebrate the reset or recalibration of our Earthly Reality as it relates to the Moon’s magical connection with the Earth during these times.
When The Moon Moves Outside of the Boundaries of Ordinary Reality
At Chimney Rock a new Kiva was built every 19 years. It wasn’t until Kim Malville recognized the 19 year Lunar Standstill when the Moon rose between the chimneys did it start to make sense why these kivas were being built 19 years apart as a to honor and celebrate the NEW energy transmission from the Moon to the Earth. Each kiva was built with its own powerful intention as a way to co-create with Great Mystery to align with the NEW mysteries reaching their maximum expression every 19 years.
The Standing Stones of Callanish Scoland were designed to capture when the Moon walks the land every 19 years illuminated in this ancient saying:
When the Moon walks the land, at the calling of the cuckoo, the Shining Ones will return. (Sometimes this is quoted as a singular Shining One, not plural as in Shining Ones).
Shamanic cultures around the world have left us powerful reminders of the Lunar Standstill being a time to create a mythic re-enactment of this rare cosmological event. These stories and ceremonies come from a direct expereince of the importance of the Lunar Standstill that was largely lost and we are now re-membering.
When we engage these remarkable events through ceremony we are helping to source and co-create the new expressions of reality emerging in our collective pysche during the Lunar Standstill time when the Earth connects with the Sky and the Sky with the Earth.
Humans have collectively participated with these intiation cycles over eons of time. Wondrously, are in the process of bringing back into our awareness the importance of these timings – working once again with how the universe, the cosmos, the greater reality, or whatever we choose to call it, responds to our intentional interaction with these cycles.
Ancient Cultures and the Lunar Standstill
The Lunar Cycle differs from the Solar cycle. For example, the Sun returns to the same place on the horizon each year within a few hours of the year before, every 365.34 days. This is how we are able to determine the seasonal cycles in a predictable way.
The Moon on the other hand takes 19 years to return to the same spot on the same date on the horizon.
Margaret Curtis along with her husband Ron, studied the Callanish Stones over many decades living close to these ancient stone circles since 1974. Margaret and Ron are no longer with us but their writings including Callanish: The Stones, the Moon and the Sacred Landscape : Maximising the Symbolic and Dramatic Potential of the Landscape at Callanish (published in 1994 and updated in 2009). These writings are a remembering of why this time is worth noting:
…Whereas, the Sun takes a year to move from the midsummer NE/NW path to the midwinter SE/SW path, and back, the Moon takes only a month to move from its long NE/NW path to its SE/SW path and back.
Furthermore, the size of the Moon’s monthly swing across the horizon gradually varies: from a small swing (smaller than those of the Sun) nearly S/SE to S/SW – the south extreme: to a big swing – nearly N/NE to N/NW – the north extreme: then back again. This pattern of small to big to small swing repeats itself about every 18 ½ years.
The Callanish standing stone sites are located in a limited area where 2 ranges of hills relate to the rise and set of the Moon at its rate south extreme every 18 ½ years.
The farther one travels north in latitude, the greater is the extreme of the Sun rise or set north or south of due east or west, at the solstices. At Callanish, the Sun rises over 50 degrees north of east at midsummer (30-40 degrees in the United States). Each solstice the Sun predictably rises in the same place.
The Moon’s orbit is inclined five degrees and eight minutes from the ecliptic (the Earth’s ecliptic is tilted 23 ½ degrees away from the Sun). Thus, over a 19 year cycle, the Moon may rise or set as much as five degrees and eight minutes beyond where the Sun is on either side of the ecliptic.
The Moon has a slow cycle that oscillates to its maximum and minimum locations every 18.61 years. The great Scottish archeoastronomer Alexander Thom, coined the expression – “major standstill” and “minor standstill” to mark these stations.
These terms are analogous to the commonly understood concept of the solstices relative to the Sun’s cycle that happens every year. **
The last two major standstills of the Moon were in 1987 and 2006 and the last minor standstill occurred from 1996-1997 and 2015-2016.
NOTE: In 2024-2025 and 2043-2044 this 19 year Moon Magic is occurring again.
Geomantic Moon Magic (Geomantic in this context is defined as intentionally connecting with sacred sites/structures around significant cosmic events and co-creating with Great Mystery)
In recent years, mainstream archeology and archeoastronomy has been becoming more aware of how ancient peoples were not only aware of these important timings, but also worked collective ceremonial magic with the Lunar Standstill cycles.
Alexander Thom’s first book: Megalithic Lunar Observatories is a book based on his field research conducted during the 1968-69 Major Lunar Standstill. This was prior to the 1986/1987 Lunar Standstill that was playing out during in 1987 Lunar Standstill at the same time as the Harmonic Convergence.
an event that was celebrated around the world at a time when the most notable alignment was a grand fire trine with Mars, Sun, Venus and Mercury were all in Leo, Uranus was in Sagittarius and Jupiter was in Aries.
However, something not noted then was August 16 and 17 (the days being celebrated as the Harmonic Convergence) was when the Moon moved in Gemini and Out of Bounds reaching its most extreme Out of Bounds on August 18.
The Harmonic Convergence was a global peace meditation event organized by art historian José Argüelles and his wife Lloydine Burris Argüelles, through their peace movement, the Planet Art Network (PAN) and was based on the Mayan calendar and the idea that changing the calendar would bring peace and environmental harmony.
The event was celebrated at many locations around the world, including Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt, and Central Park in New York City. Activities included chanting, prayer, meditation, and music. Some say that the event was a time when people believed we were on the verge of a new age of peace and love.
Personally I miraculously got to experience the gathering that took place in Sedona, Arizona at Bell Rock.
Back to Alexander Thom who discovered many stone circles and stone rows throughout Scotland located around 57-59 degrees North latitude that were related to these extreme lunar cycles including the east coast of Scotland near Aberdeen with many recumbent stone circles.
These circles often have a massive stone altar that to this day acts like a Moon Altar as the Moon rises or sets during the Lunar Standstill when the Moon is at its southern extreme, usually in the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Ancient cultures understood how the Moon was connected to monthly planting cycles, high and low tides, eclipses, reproductive cycles, and a time when births were most likely to occur. What we are remembering now is how these cultures also understood every 19 years a cultural rebirth occurred with extra potent ceremonial significance.
The exact cycle of the standstills occurs every 18.61 years, is closely related to the Saros cycle of eclipses. The Saros Cycles recur every 18.5 years when a similar eclipse of the same family recurs. This is also known as the Nodal Return Cycle we all experience when the North and South Node returns to its natal chart position every 18½ years and every 19 years the Sun and Moon return close to where they were when a person was born. These cycles are significant times to note in our personal journey through life and when worked with intentionally can be life changing.
As we approach the next Lunar Standstill it might be useful to ask:
How can we ceremonially engage this significant rebirth time to bring forth through us and within us a new relationship between the Earth and the Moon teaching us more about our relationship with the cycles and rhythms of Earth and Sky?
How are we celebrating the powerful connection of the Moon as it relates to the Earth at the 19 year Lunar Standstill?
What are the best ways (ceremonially and intentionally) to honor this sacred time so we experience the greatest possible growth and awakening?
Literally the Moon when it is at its Southern Extreme is passing over Galactic Center beaming transmissions directly from what the Mayan’s referred to as Hunab Ku – the giver of all movement and measure from the center of our Galaxy.
So during the years of the Lunar Standstill, each month, the Moon is occulting the Center of our Galaxy when it passes through mid-Sagittarius to mid-Capricorn. This is because Galactic Center is currently located at 27 Sagittarius increasing 1 degree every 72 years due to precession of the seasonal signs through the stellar backdrop.
The physically observed location of Galactic Center is below the Ecliptic (or path of the Sun and planets). This means the Sun never crosses directly over Galactic Center. AND the only time the Moon can be found directly over Galactic Center is during the Lunar Standstill when the Moon is at or exceeds 28 degrees south declination. This occurs every month during the center point time of the Lunar Standstill. (see table below)
When the Moon is at its Northern extreme it crosses the Galactic Edge now located around 27 Gemini.
Standstill Seasons Center point is when the North Node reaches Zero Aries. These dates are calculated for Mountain time:
1913 June 05
1931 December 27
1950 July 25
1969 April 18
1987 December 01
2006 June 21
2025 January 11
2043 August 18
The next Center Point when the North Node reaches Zero Aries is January 11, 2025 and again on August 18, 2043
The Moon is found Out Side the Boundaries of the Sun for about 4 years before and after the exact center point but doesn’t reach beyond 28 degrees until about two years before and after the exact date. (See table below).
Ceremonial Applications
The best known sacred site is at Callanish (in Northern Scotland) where the Standing Stones are physically aligned to capture the Moon’s Southern extreme. This means the Full Moons closest to Summer Solstice are the most visually powerful.
Other sites, like Chimney Rock in Southern Colorado, are oriented towards the Northern extreme and so the most visually impressive experience is the Full Moon closest to the December Solstice.
December 07, 2022: Full Moon in Gemini
January 06, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer
December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer
Dec 15, 2024: Full Moon in Gemini
Jan 13, 2025: Full Moon in Cancer
Dec 05, 2025: Full Moon in Gemini
January 02, 2026: Full Moon in Cancer
Remember: Anytime during the Lunar Standstill years when the Moon is near 0 degrees Cancer or 0 degrees Capricorn we can not only witness the Moon near its Standstill point but we can also engage the geomantic magic through ceremony that honors the uniqueness of this time and the birthing of a new reality through our intention and attention. AND SO IT IS!
Table of the Out of Bounds Moon below the Video!
2023 Moon Out of Bounds
Dec 29 2023 29°Cn48′ +25°01′
2024 Moon Out of Bounds
Jan 01 2025 23°Cp54′ -25°51′
2025 Moon Out of Bounds
Dec 22 2025 21°Cp51′ -25°26
I am interested in getting a shamanic astrological reading and also discussing with you the opportunities for ritual in and around the standstills.
I am an aspiring astrologer, i have been working with moon cycles for a number of years and I am also interested in indiginous shamanic practices.
I have many questions for you, but lets start with the simple ones. What is the significance of the 0* Cancer and 0* Capricorn outside of the standstills? Do they still have the abillity of channeling the out of bound energies or in the case of 0* Capricorn the energies of the galactic center? The case of 0* Cancer the extra universal (limits or boundaries of source?)
Also I am curious about the movement of the galactic center… does it move relative to 27* Sagitarious or does the earths wobble (our procession) move us relative to it and 27* Sag?
Finally, I am very curious about your statement “What we are remembering now is how these cultures also understood every 19 years a cultural rebirth occurred with extra potent ceremonial significance.” What information, anecdotes and or ceremonies can you relay that accelerate or magnify this rebirth and evolution for personal growth?
I look forward to hearing from you and thank you so much for the information you have online!
I love your enthusiastic inquiry John. Contact me via email and we can set up a session for you.
O° Cancer and O° Capricorn are of course the seasonal Solstice Points and they will always be a part of the Out Of Bounds Equation for the Moon during the Lunar Standstill as far as I know. It is an interesting question and perhaps could change over the 26,000 year Great Year.
These points do move through all the constellations over the 26,000 year cycle so they are NOT always located on the Galactic Crosses as they are currently. As long as Earth is tilted the way it is and the wobble continues these points will continue to represent the Solstices though there will be different stars behind these seasonal points over time.
Galactic Center doesn’t move but the seasonal signs do based on the tilt and wobble of the Earth so Galactic Center is not always overlaid by 27 Sagittarius. That does shift 1 degree every 72 years so it won’t move far over one life time.
In the video on the 19 year lunar standstill I shared about standing stone circles and kivas as the two main examples that were created to track the 19 year Lunar Standstill Cycle way back when. We don’t know what ceremonies ancient cultures were doing but we know they were doing them or they wouldn’t have gone to the trouble to create these structures. AND of course we can create our own sites as was done at Faywood Hotsprings in New Mexico back in the 90’s.
I feel it is up to us to tune in and ask what ceremonies can we do now to align with these mysteries in the most useful, productive and magical way possible? If you have been studying shamanic practices you may have some ideas about to engage this already and of course you can do shamanic journeying, meditation, tuning in around ways to create the ceremonial magic that will work for you. These links share some of the ways I have done it and
I hope that helps?🌠🙏🌈🏜🌄