Cayelin age 6 or 7 looking far away into other dimensions
This is a work in progress. Stay tuned for more dates and insights.
January 02, 2022 Mercury Enters Aquarius traveling through this sign until January 25, 2022 retrograding into Capricorn where it is until Feb 14, 2022 staying in Aquarius until March 9, 2022 when it enters Pisces.
Jan 14 2022 Mercury Retrograde 03:41 AM PST 10°Aquarius20′ R
Feb 03 2022 Mercury Direct 08:13 PM PST 24°Capricorn01′ D
After 2022 Mercury doesn’t return to a retrograde in Aquarius until 2028 but briefly dips in 2027
Feb 09 2027 Mercury R 10:36 AM MST 05°Pi59′ R
Mar 03 2027 Mercury D 05:32 AM MST 20°Aq55′ D
Jan 24 2028 Mercury R 04:02 AM MST 19°Aq42′ R
Feb 14 2028 Mercury D 05:37 AM MST 03°Aq59′ D
Jan 07 2029 Mercury R 12:56 AM MST 03°Aq38′ R
Jan 27 2029 Mercury D 11:40 AM MST 17°Cp32′ D
I love Mercury in Aquarius for lots of reasons but probably mostly because it is where Mercury was when I was born. My old mind (Sagittarius Moon) and new mind (Mercury in Aquarius) are similar in the quest for expanding consciousness and awareness so growing up I totally loved thinking in ways that were different from others and saying things that would challenge their reality until I realized it wasn’t interesting or exciting for them to think about these things in the same way it was for me and for many it was often down right scary.
I learned to dial it back to some degree but often blurted out questions and observations that were unsettling to the adults and other kids my age. Luckily my parents were interested in ‘out there’ perspectives and did their best to satisfy my curious and unconventional mind.
I asked questions about God – wondering if God created the world then who created God? And how was God Born? At age 6 I asked questions about time – noticing how every moment quickly became the past – that the whole day I had just experienced was now in the past and even as I was asking the question it was now in the past. So what was the point of time anyway?
So yes my mind pondered cosmic questions from a young age and it took me awhile to realize that most of the kids my age weren’t thinking about these things. Aquarius does love to ignite revolutionary ideas so I would do that whenever I thought it wouldn’t get me into too much trouble.
I remember in high school bringing up reincarnation to some of my class mates who were use to my strange ways of thinking. They dealt with it by resorting to their biblical context and I asked them how they would explain stories of children who had memories of a very recent past life, including names, places, addresses etc. that were later verified as absolutely accurate.
One of the books that got me started thinking about all this was The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes by Jess Stearn. I remember this book (at least I think it was this one?) being what sparked me because the child he was documenting not only remembered great details about her past life, she got to meet those she remembered were her family from her previous life. The stories she remembered of her life with them were all verified by the family she met. That book was a totally mind expanding Aquarian experience for me.
Mercury in Aquarius
Whenever Mercury is transiting through or stationing direct in Aquarius it is a great time to expand and disrupt our perception of what is real or what we think is real.
These are some interesting questions to ponder during this time:
What perspectives anchored into your reality are ready to shift?
What would it take to change your current thinking for the prupose of changing your life in ways that allows you greater freedom of being?
What new territory of the mind, ideas and progressive thinking are present for you now?
Are you willing to explore ideas outside of your current cultural conditioning that you haven’t considered before?
Mercury in Aquarius and the Higher Mind
This high speed frequency connects us to the vastness within the field of ALL possibilities that are not limited by physical reality. This is available to us when we take the time to focus our awareness beyond our known limits where we can even more consciously contact our soul knowing – the greater truth of who we really are from a place of divine love and inspiration.
When we are willing to take the time to focus our awareness beyond our known limits where we can even more consciously contact our soul knowing – the greater truth of who we really are from a place of divine love and inspiration is illuminated.
This is truly thinking beyond ordinary thinking – or the noisy thoughts of our 3-D thinking mind. This helps us to detach from the distractions of our 3-D reality and enter a state of knowing that is centered in our heart knowing.
When the heart and mind are operating in synchronicity all that we have forgotten about who we truly are and why we are here – begins to return!
What would it take for you to enjoy the quiet bliss of your Higher Mind?
What practices can you engage now that support you in experiencing this expanded state of mind and awareness?
Aquarian Light Codes
The light codes coming from the Aquarius Realm are seeds of the divine mind – inspiring radical ideas and perspectives around what may not have yet found its way into physical form.
The rate of manifestation for these divine seeds depends upon how willing, ready and able we are to receive the upgraded templates or resonance patterns designed to expand our perception beyond what we have previously known and then to act on them.
Just having an idea or insight is not enough to change our reality. Action is also required.
Aquarian thinking is also about transcending the duality of light and shadow recognizing they are not separate but two sides of the same thing.
Aquarian thinking is committed to its own unique path of self-expression, questioning what is and not settling for the limitations of the status quo. This is a good time to step back for a big picture perspective – seeing what may have not been visible to our awareness before – and make changes where needed.
Albert Einstein reminded us that to solve problems we need to expand consciousness. Interestingly, he had Mercury in Aries and Moon in Sagittarius coming in with a mind that loves to expand awareness and he had the North Node and Jupiter in Aquarius that supported his avant-garde, multi-dimensional ways of thinking.
Thanks Cayelin, Love the Aquarian insights!
YAY…thank you Katie and so happy you let me know that!