Me with my Moon and Mars in Taurus Husband

Mercury in Taurus operates through the earth element. This gives Mercury in Taurus the ability to savor and enjoy the pleasure and beauty of life. Mercury in the earth  signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) operate through practical, sustainable logic. Taurus logic is focused on how to create the most amount of pleasure, beauty and security that will last over time.

Earth signs appreciate logical steps in communication and may need time to process new ideas and ways of looking at life. Something worth noting is they usually have an amazing memory for details and events that happened a long time ago – unlike the fire or air signs that move at the speed of light and may not remember all the details.

It may take Mercury in Taurus more time to digest or assimilate ideas and comprehend their value in sustainable ways that support the experience of pleasure and thoroughly enjoying the moment. Unfortunately we live in a culture that has believed pleasure is a sin and these mysteries have been greatly repressed as a result.


When Mercury is in Taurus, especially retrograde in Taurus, it is the perfect time to consider how you are allowing yourself time to enjoy the beauty of life, the joy of life, the pleasure that is our birthright.

Maybe it’s being in nature, on the beach, in the mountains, in the forests, along a creek or river, enjoying the beauty of a vast blue sky, or a spectacular sunrise/sunset. Maybe its enjoying the company of loved ones, sharing a delicious meal and savoring not only the taste of the food but the delight of the those around you.

Maybe its taking time to move your body in a way that feels pleasurable – dancing, shaking, yoga, stretching, walking, hiking, running. Or maybe its meditating, humming, singing, lying on the Earth, feeling the breeze on your skin, the warmth of the Sun, swimming in cool water. It might be the pleasure of getting a great night’s sleep?

The question to consider now is – what brings me pleasure?
Whatever it is, and it is probably many things, take time to express gratitude for these gifts that are all around us when we choose to see them. Allow your mind and body to savor these experiences!

Taurus helps us to remember and recognize that our lives are meant to be expressed through pleasure and delight in the emerging Pleasure Paradigm – where pleasure is our greatest teacher. With that in mind it might help to consider these questions?


  • What thoughts and beliefs are blocking my experience of the precious gifts Beauty and Pleasure?
    What would it take to transform these beliefs?
  • What would it take for me to Value myself even more than I do now?
  • What would it take for me to genuinely express heart-felt gratitude for the blessings that are mine to experience so I fully receive the wondrous pleasure life is meant to be?
Apr 21 2023 Mercury R 15°Ta37′ R 1:34:43 AM MST
May 14 2023 Mercury D 05°Ta50′ D 8:16:30 PM MST
May 01 2029 Mercury R 26°Ta40′ R 4:05:08 PM MST
May 25 2029 Mercury D 17°Ta33′ D 12:20:26 PM MST
Apr 12 2030 Mercury R 07°Ta47′ R 7:33:02 PM MST
May 06 2030 Mercury D 27°Ar26′ D 1:14:27 PM MST
May 13 2035 Mercury R 07°Ge59′ R 11:39:52 AM MST
Jun 06 2035 Mercury D 29°Ta18′ D 7:52:09 AM MST
Apr 23 2036 Mercury R 18°Ta37′ R 6:17:25 AM MST
May 17 2036 Mercury D 09°Ta02′ D 1:28:44 AM MST
Apr 04 2037 Mercury R 00°Ta06′ R 5:04:59 PM MST
Apr 28 2037 Mercury D 19°Ar05′ D 8:55:20 AM MST
May 04 2042 Mercury R 29°Ta45′ R 10:12:20 PM MST
May 28 2042 Mercury D 20°Ta46′ D 6:30:34 PM MST
Apr 15 2043 Mercury R 10°Ta45′ R 11:16:50 PM MST
May 9 2043 Mercury D 00°Ta36′ D 5:18:57 PM MST
Apr 26 2049 Mercury R 21°Ta39′ R 11:19:01 AM MST
May 20 2049 Mercury D 12°Ta15′ D 6:56:13 AM MST

Taurus Part One the Gifts and Blessings of Beauty - 13 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

Taurus Part Two Intimacy Pleasure and Receiving - 16 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell