Pisces is about seeking union with the Divine as described by Carolyn Myss in her book Anatomy of the Spirit:

“In seeking union with the Divine, we are asking to have all physical, psychological, and emotional “illusion” removed from our lives. Once this process of removal begins, we awaken an internal voice of authority in our lives that might throw us into internal turmoil….”

Pisces is the last seasonal sign before we reach the March Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere we are heading toward Spring and the Southern Hemisphere is heading toward Autumn. It is often considered the last sign of the seasonal zodiac and Aries is the first. This is true if we start our seasonal journey with the March Equinox.

Side note: I prefer to start the seasonal zodiac with the December Solstice. So that means then Pisces would be the third seasonal signs.

Pisces serves the greater reality (also known as divine spirit or great spirit) we experience in this life through loving kindness, empathy, compassion .

Pisces Reminds Us:

To feel what we feel so we can heal beyond what is known in our current traditional medical model.  When we are willing to feel our sorrow, grief, suffering, and unhappiness with compassion and acceptance, then those feelings begin to shift and no longer define a more limited reality where we are avoiding feeling what hurts.

Once the grief, sorrow, hurt, pain, fear, blame, guilt and shame, etc. have been deeply felt it is now possible these feelings can begin to be transformed into altered states (including ecstacic bliss) that help facilitate deep healing.

Those who have work with the Pisces mysteries as empathic healers have usually had to learn to heal themselves first or while they are doing their healing work.  Perhaps it was the Pisces Mysteries that helped to formulate the phrase, “healer, heal thyself”.

Pisces loves to do their part in helping to heal the world engaging in kind, loving compassion as their most powerful medicinal tool. Pisces has the capacity (when properly developed) to merge and directly experience what another person is feeling often facilitating a healing experience in that act alone.

Feeling seen, feeling another really understands your experience, feeling witnessed in this way is one of the most powerful healing experiences we can ever have.

The Heart of the Divine

Healthy Pisces is seeking union with the mystical heart of the divine, the heart of Great Mystery, the heart of the Universe.

Stay tuned for more to be added later…