Sagittarius is an archetypal energy that loves adventure, loves to explore all realms and possibilities having the courage to explore where no one has gone before.

Some prefer physical adventure that includes travel, being outdoors, climbing mountains, running marathons or some other physical activity.

Some prefer mental adventure with a love of leaning. Perhaps it is exploring science, philosopy,
a new culture, a new way of perceiving the divine within and without?

Some prefer spiritual adventure as in exploring expanded states of consciousness, meditation, religions of the world, or astrology.

Some Sagittarius types may be engaged in all of these activities with their fiery, insightful, passion to expand their perspective through any of these means. This is about the quest for truth, for insights, for expanding awareness and consciousness in some way that is continually exciting, illuminating and inspiring.

Sagittarius  Shadow
This can occur when a person gets locked into a specific point of view as seen in fundamental religions convinced there way is the only right way to experience the divine. When you get stuck on one way or one truth, you can become fundamentalist and rigid. This may include seeing everything as positive, being light polarized with not room for what may be actually happening ordinary human reality.

One of the gifts of Sagittarius is being optimistic but this can be taken to extremes. 

The Sagittarius Mystery School is focused on self-realization and enlightenment – similar to the idea that green trees create a green forest, so enlightened people create an enlightened world.

This is partially accomplished through the quest for truth – not the fleeting truth of a moment based in what we perceive is factual reality that often changes with our perception, but rather the pure truth that is the basis for all creation.

It is about truth as an expanded experience of consciousness that goes far beyond the realities of dualistic truth: this is right – this is wrong, this is good – this is bad, this is smart – this is dumb, this is spiritual – this is not spiritual.

sThere are eternal truths that are unchanging and the Sagittarius quest is to experience these truths as a thrilling never ending quest that always takes us beyond who we have taken ourselves to be.

In a sense this is similar to the idea that when we are fully present in the moment and we have access to eternal truth that is not an idea, it is not a destination, it is not a goal. It is a state of Being!

More coming soon…