Wow…we have a Super Charged Out of Bounds Full Moon (see first video below), Nodes entering Aries/Libra squared by Pluto, Venus stationing Retrograde on July 22 and so much more. The annual Sirius Sun conjunction is exact July 6. More in the video and links below. Time permitting more will be added here in the next few days.

Some Additional Links:

Sun is in the Sacred Hoop of Stars.

The Sun is moving through the The Twins and Alhena 
Planets with Sirius
Sun is with Sirius July 6
Mercury is with Sirius July 03
And Mercury is out of bounds until Jul 06

The July 03 Capricorn Full Moon is Out of Bounds  as we approach the 19 year Lunar Standstill adding a whole other wild card factor currently at play.

Details are here
Find out when the Moon is rising and setting
Perigee Moons
Out of Bounds Planets
Lunar Standstill
Full Moon with Nunki on July 03
Sirius with the Sun
Sirius Star Magic
The Difference between Signs and Constellations

An insightful look at Mercury Communication Challenges when What You Heard Isn’t What I Meant! as Mercury is with the Sun until July 9 when it technically rises into the evening sky.


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