See short video on Regulus at the bottom of this page.
Whenever the Moon or any planet is with Regulus it is a time for creating intentions and ceremonies where currently we encounter the vital, vibrant awakening Priest~ess energy returning to our awareness. Enlivening and celebrating the power of the heart, the power of love, to restore our sacred relationship to the Earth, to her seasons and to ourselves.
The heart stone shown here was on my path on a day when I was asking for a message from the universe I was on the right path? Literally I had just heard moments before a message Don Juan told Carlos Castenada: all paths lead no where so choose a path with heart. These two synchronistic events within moments of each other was a loud and clear message that I was on the right path!
In November of 2011 the zero point of the Virgo seasonal sign began overlaying the star Regulus for the first time in about 26,000 years.
Regulus is still at Zero Virgo and about 7 minutes taking 72 years to move one entire degree so it will be about 2083 before Regulus moves to 1 degree Virgo.
The entrance of Regulus into Virgo event was concurrent with the what some referred to as the end of the Mayan Calendar. Well at least one of the many Mayan Calendars…
If you missed what was happening then or would like a reminder here is a summary from the Way Back Machine based on the work of Carl Calleman.
Regulus and Virgo - 8 minutes
The Sun enters Virgo on August 22/23 βevery year and is currently aβlignedΒ with the Heart Star of the Lion.Β
Since Regulus Moved into Virgo – and that for sure happened in late November 2011 – we can imagine when the Moon (or any planet for that matter) is with Regulus it is informing our Great Below reality and it is an powerful time to go out and look up to connect with the incoming light codes and messages amplified by whatever planet is there.
You might ask to receive a download from the Hall of Records carried within your hearts and your DNA that is symbolized by the heart of the Lion in the sky.
Then watch for signs in the World of Form (synchronicities) that let you know your heart is aligned with these Great Mysteries unfolding in the Great Above and are now being implemented in the Great Below.
This video is another take on the Mayan Calendar for those who are interested in the research from the late great John Major Jenkins who died of kidney Cancer on July 2, 2017 at the age of 53.
The Royal Star Regulus
Regulus is a magical marvelous star of Β wonder inspiring us to know ourselves through the power of healthy, radiant self-love.
One of the four Royal Stars of the ancients, Regulus, is the closest star to the ecliptic within less than half a degree so is often occulted by the Moon. (Astronomy section has more)
The other three Royal stars for example; Antares, Fomalhaut and Aldebaran are between 2 and 4.5 degrees below the ecliptic.
In our current time, the Sun travels within 10 degrees of Regulus from August 13 to September 03 with the exact conjunction usually on August 22 or 23 depending on your time zone.
Regulus is a Behenian star or magical star of the ancient alchemists who used a 6 degree orb to consider an enhanced planetary effect on the star. The Sun within 6 degrees of Regulus happens every year August 16 to August 29. (See more on the magical Behenian Stars)Β
Observing Regulus in the Night Sky
Every year around February 18, Regulus reaches opposition to the Sun meaning Regulus is rising as the Sun is setting and is in the sky all night setting as the Sun rises. This is also the time of year Regulus is at its highest point somewhat overhead at midnight local time.
As we get toward early April, Regulus is visible in the SE (South East) about an hour after sunset. Then as get toward early June, Regulus is visible high in the SW (South West) an hour after sunset. By early July, Regulus is low to the west an hour after sunset eventually becoming invisible to our naked eye due to its close proximity to the Sun from about July 22 to September 22 when Regulus moves to the morning sky.
Regulus, the Lion~ess
and Virgin Priestess, Sphinx Point
The Lion-ess/Virgin Priest-ess constellations are related to the sphinx point β where animal (Lion) meets human (Priest-ess).
There was a time when the Sphinx Point was related to the shift of seasons between the constellations of the Priestess and Lion when the seasonal signs of Leo and Virgo were overlaying both constellations. In the 21stΒ century the seasonal sign of Virgo overlays the Lion and the seasonal sign of Libra overlays the Virgin Priestess. Over time (about 26,000 years) every season is with every constellation.
There is a difference between Seasonal Signs and Starry Constellations. This 15 minute Video explains the difference.
Regulus in the Season of Virgo
Regulus is in Virgo for 2160 years precessing (or moving backward through the constellations) one degree every 72 years having entered Virgo in November of 2011. The shift of any planet (or star) from Leo to Virgo (or any two signs for that matter) marks a dramatic archetypal shift in the energy.
Around 1939 Regulus entered the 29 Leo point (moving one degree in 72 years) prior to moving into the seasonal sign of Virgo in November of 2011. Regulus remains at the zero Virgo mark until about 2083 when it will enter the 1 degree Virgo point.
Planets with Regulus
Every year Sun, Mercury and Venus cross the line between Leo and Virgo. Every month the Moon crosses this line. Every 2 years Mars crosses this line, every 12 years or so Jupiter crosses this line, every 29.5 years or so Saturn crosses this line.
The Sun is with Regulus on August 22 or 23.
Aug 22 Sun with RegulusΒ 2024
Aug 23 Sun with RegulusΒ 2023
Future dates for Sun with Regulus based on Pacific Time
Aug 22 dates 2025, 2026, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2032, 2033
2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040
Aug 23 dates 2027, 2031
Upcoming Visible Planets Passing Regulus
Jul 28, 2023 MercuryΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 09)
Jul 25, 2024 MercuryΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 09)
Aug 14, 2024 Mercury RetrogradesΒ Regulus (00 Virgo 09)
Sep 09, 2024 MercuryΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 10)
Oct 08, 2023 VenusΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 08)
Aug 04, 2024 VenusΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 09)
Sep 19, 2025 VenusΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 10)
Jul 09/10, 2023 MarsΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 09)
Jun 17, 2025 MarsΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 11)
Nov 10, 2027 JupiterΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 13)
Oct 19, 2036 SaturnΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 20)
Feb 06, 2037 SaturnΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 20)
July 10, 2037 SaturnΒ with Regulus (00 Virgo 20)
“…when Mars or Saturn are in conjunction with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded e.g. assassinations, coup detat, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, overthrow of heads of state and similar events”. (The Fixed Stars and Their Interpretations, Ebertin-Hoffman).
Note: I plan to do more research on this one of these days to see how true this is in recent times, but for now it is interesting to see how these events have been interpreted.
Mars represents the benefits of decisive action and Regulus is also associated with the love of action, the active strength that is needed to achieve long term goals. According to Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld Regulus assists us in recognizing patterns, and the micro patterns within the patterns. The action of developing an attitude shift through our deeper awareness around these patterns, helps us to manifest forgiveness of ourselves and others so it is possible to transform the limiting patterns that have inhibited our fullest divine expression.
It can help to pretend (pre-tend as in tending to what we desire) we are divine beings even if we don’t fully believe it yet. This supports healing and transformation of our world and Leo/Regulus energy helps us to do just that.
Astronomy of Regulus
Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation of the Lion and the 22nd brightest star in the night sky while also sitting closest to the ecliptic (the path of the Sun, Moon and other Planets) meaning Regulus can be seen from anywhere on Earth.
Every month the Moon passes this star usually no more than 5 degrees away and often the Moon has a series of occultations (when the Moon covers and uncovers Regulus so it seemingly disappears and reappears). The last series began December 18, 2016, and concluded on April 24, 2018
The next series of Moon occultations over Regulus begins Jul 26, 2025 and ends Dec 27, 2026.
Remember the Sun passes the zodiacal degree of Regulus each year around August 23.
Regulus is approximately 77.5 light years from Earth’s Solar System and has about 3.5 times the Sun’s mass as evidence in the image here.
It is a relatively young star – only a few hundred million years old and is spinning very fast, with a rotation period of only 15.9 hours, causing Regulus to have a highly oblate (or egg) shape.
This rapid spin results in its poles being considerably hotter and five times as bright (per unit surface area) than its equator. It is interesting to note that if Regulus was rotating a mere 16% faster the centripetal force of gravity would
tear this star apart.
Star Magnitude/Brightness
RegulusΒ is the 22nd brightest star in our night sky – SpicaΒ is 16th – AldebaranΒ is 14th – AntaresΒ is 15th
TheΒ Sphinx Point
Robert Bauval (author of The Orion Mystery and other books) suggests – based on his research – the Great Sphinx was constructed during the time when the Lion constellation was Rising at the Vernal Equinox (Spring for those in Northern Hemisphere) around 10,500 BC.
Regulus, the heart of the Lion was rising with the Spring equinox for at least 72 years in that window of time and loosely for about 2160 years. Remember the seasonal signs precess (move backward) through the constellations about 1 degree every 72 years taking about 2160 years for anyone star to experience 30 degrees of sign.
The Spring Equinox with the Lion occurred from around 10,960 BC to 8,800 BC. This means the seasonal sign linked to the Sphinx and the Lion Constellation way back then was Aries – as Aries is the seasonal sign that defines the Vernal EquinoxΒ (March Equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere. Since that time the seasonal sign overlaying most of the Lion has precessed back to Virgo.
The Lion constellation has associations with the Sun dating back to when the Sun would have been rising with the Heart of the Lion (Regulus) lighting up the heart energy of the Earth at the time of the vernal equinox.
The Autumnal Equinox Point or Zero Libra Point (opposite of the Vernal Equinox) has shifted to the Sphinx point between the constellation of the Virgin Priestess and the Lion. (See image)
The Seasonal Signs of Leo and Virgo
The seasonal signs of Leo and Virgo archetypally represent the interaction between the playful self-loving creator in service to its own divine self, meeting and inspiring the Priest~ess who is serving spirit, honoring all life as sacred, especially through the sacred work whatever that might be.
It feels like this current alignment of Regulus at the Zero Virgo point is intended to help us navigate the now more unfamiliar territory of our heart wisdom that eons ago was much easier to access.
In the current time we see evidence of many who are disconnected from the loving wisdom of their hearts – often expressing hate for others who are not like they are. We see this in the hate for those of other genders, other races, other religions, other political points of view, other belief systems, other life style choices and more.
This has NOT always been the case, nor is it the case for all people on Earth at this time. Many feel deeply empathic and compassionate for all life. Many are profoundly connected to the wisdom of their hearts showing up with caring, kindness and consideration. Many are stepping up to right the wrongs, doing all they can to help those who have been unfairly treated or judged against.
The Gift of Regulus
When a planet passes Regulus (including the Sun and Moon) it serves to magnify and transmit the energy of this heart star to all life on Earth.
If you have a natal planet near this star this applies to you personally as it relates to the intent of that planet.
Regulus has the power to activate our heart knowing when we are willing to engage and embrace it. Additionally, this assists us in releasing and transforming whatever is buried in our subconscious when we are willing to explore this territory.
With Regulus now at the Zero Virgo point, this star is deeply connecting to the sacred patterning of life, highlighting our role in restoring the essential pattern of love underlying all creation, so all life benefits.
First the patterns of addiction, limiting or false beliefs, judgment, and anything else that interferes with fully living from the power of love will surface that seems so clearly evident in the greater collective reality these days. This provides us with an opportunity to use the power of love, forgiveness and patience to restore the sacred pattern within us all to its original pure essence
Remember when the Moon is with Regulus it informs our Great Below reality and is a time for creating intentions and ceremonies where the vital, vibrant awakening Priest~ess awareness is enlivened as we remember the sacred mysteries encoded in the Hall of Records we each carry within our hearts and our DNA.
Watch for signs in the World of Form (synchronicities) that let you know your heart is aligned with these Great Mysteries unfolding in the Great Above and being implemented in the Great Below.
Regulus is 00 Virgo 09
Jan 10
Feb 06
Mar 05
Apr 02
Apr 29
May 26
Jun 23
Jul 20 also with Venus and Mercury
Aug 16
Sep 12
Oct 10
Nov 06
Dec 03
Dec 31
Regulus is 00 Virgo 10
Jan 27
Feb 23
Mar 22
Apr 18
May 15
Jun 11
Jul 09
Aug 05
Sep 29
Oct 26
Nov 22
Dec 20
Moon with Regulus in 2025-Β These dates are based on Mountain Standard Time
Regulus is 00 Virgo 10
Jan 16
Feb 12
Mar 12
Apr 08
May 05
The rest of the 2025 dates will be added later…
Hi Caylin, thank you so much for this article and all the amazing information you share so freely.
I met your beautiful work in the Astro hub inner circle about the Moon phases and specially the dance between Moon and Sun. I am not very active in the chat stuff but now i am browsing your website and signed up for the monthly celestial Timings.
Is it correct that i look into the opposing month of finding Regulus in the sky when i live in Australia.
I have Regulus in the second house conjunct Pluto by 2 degrees (Leo) apart and Trine Moon by 3 degrees apart (Taurus) in the 10th house and feel to gaze into Regulus to receive a deeper understanding, a feeling for this Royal Star….
My Life is all about living from the Heart, following the timeless timings of the Now, be in tune with universal Timing through patience and observation but i would be unable to explain any of this, so it is wonderful for me to listen to you, read your articles and you tubes.
in this moment Arcturus is visible in the southern Sky…..would this be opposit Regulus?
Thank you and Blessings
So sorry about my late reply Mandakini. I somehow missed this probably due to my travels back in August and September.
The Sun with Regulus or any planet with Regulus for that matter will happen at the same time all around the planet. Your view would look different depending on where you are? Location affects how you see the stars and constellations and some stars and constellations are visible in the North and the South and vice versa.
Not sure how Arcturus lines up with Regulus in the Southern Hemisphere but probably not opposite as Arcturus, Spica and Regulus are part of a stellar triangle (spring) in the Northern Hemisphere. It would be the opposite season in the Southern Hemisphere but still the same date on the calendar.
I hope that helps? πππ
Hi, happy reading this article and thankful for that. In my birth chart, the regulus conjuncts with the descendant point in the 6th house Leo. I have searched a lot of information on the internet but I didn’t find any meanings related to this phenomenon. I wonder what this sign actually means.
Hi Rita,
I am not sure I understand your question? Are you asking about Regulus in your 6th house when Regulus was still in the sign of Leo before having moved to Virgo in 2011?
Hello, I found that I have Regulus in 29th degree. I am an Aquarius 24th degree and I believe Regulus is opposite my Sun? I look for interpretations for this aspect in natal chart, and I cannot find anything. What could it possibly mean?
Hi Vivi! Yes Regulus was at the 29th degree of Leo for 72 years and shifted to Virgo at the end of November 2011. The Sun opposite Regulus is like a Full Moon affect and Means that Regulus was rising or setting opposite the Sun rising or setting. The ancient alchemists – as far as I know – worked primarily with planets when they were close (usually within 6 degrees) of the star. However, I imagine your Sun opposite Regulus is worth focusing your attention on to see what it means for you.
The Sun is the light of the divine and without it we wouldn’t have life as we know it. How is the Sun lighting up the mysteries of Regulus, the heart of the lion. How is the Sun lighting up love in you life – self-love, love of others, love of life, love of everything? How is the Sun illuminating the Hall of Records within you? Any meaning assigned to any star or configuration only has significance if we allow our attention and intention to connect with that meaning. Energy flows were our attention goes… Hope that helps? πππ
I guess it’s love for everything! And.. higher knowing, as my Sun and Moon in conjunction, both in 9th house, would admit!
Thank you for your immediate response, I know only have lots to look for Regulus and this only excites me!
Caylelin, I’m feeling very nourished by this post, and wanted to thank you for sharing your wisdom and passion with us.
I don’t have any planets or angles in Virgo, but it is my 5th house. In 2011 I recorded my first album which set the tone of my life until I had my twin girls in 2019. Just wanted to share this!
Thank you so much for sharing this Lindee. It helps to have your perspective that regardless of what our natal chart shows we ALL have connections to these stars and they have messages for us when we choose to tune in. AND…Congratulations on having twin girls. That means you and I are in that rare category of being mothers of twins – what a gift. Mine (boy/girl) just turned 38 in March of 2023. πππ
How do I find where Regulus falls in my chart? I believe it is in my ninth house but I am not certain!!!
Anything between at least 24 Leo to 6 Virgo, as that is 6 degrees on either side of the exact point of Regulus currently at 0 Virgo and that falls within the range used by the ancient alchemists. It might even be slightly wider but for sure that range!
Good evening, I have Regulus conjunct venus trine jupiter in the 8th house. What’s the interpretation behind it? Thanks
Ask Regulus and Jupiter what it means. I might have a different sense of it than you. Remember when we ask questions – we always get answers. More about how to ask the BEST questions here
Thank you beautiful soul for bringing this wisdom into being. My heart feels expansive after reading and absorbing this amazing transmission you have shared. My moon is exact conjunct Regulus and my dads name is Rex…lol. Uranus and Pluto are also exact conjuct in Virgo 18 degrees. I am heading to Mt. Shasta with a group of women and having sacred ceremony on the 12th of this month! Goosebumps galore π
Deeply grateful to have found you & this article to share with my friends as we gather together under the sacred stars!
Ahhhh thank you Rebecca. Love that you have Moon conjunct Regulus and your Dad’s name is Rex. Love that you are doing ceremony at Mount Shasta one of my favorite places and synchronistically October 13 is a super important day – meaning the day before and after are powerfully in the window when you will be doing ceremony. Woohoo! If you haven’t seen this video (almost 11 minutes on October events) I posted on YouTube – you might find it helpful!
I noticed a star on top of Venus this morning and looked this up. The 2nd was my birthday.
I also like that Mars had a huge companion on the other side of the sky.
Wow what a powerful alignment for your birthday. Yesterday Oct 2 Venus and Regulus were the closest I have ever seen them and this morning still very close too…so great you got to see that. AND yes Mars and the Moon were spectacular last night and this morning. Mars is currently brighter than Jupiter – a rare event that won’t happen again until 2035. Love that you got to see this rare sky magic! π
I have Venus and Uranus within a degree conjuct Regulus in my 10th house in Leo.
Venus transit returns conjuct Regulus in my chart at 29 and Uranus at 28 degrees.
Curious how the transit with Venus and Regulus within less than a degree, rising before dawn on Oct. 2nd and 3rd.
How cool is that? I imagine going out and being with Venus and Regulus will be illuminating for you! I have Jupiter and Pluto in the 10th house near Regulus so I know that is what I will be doing the next couple of mornings! π
Cayelin, it’s so very exciting to have Regulus informing natal Mars for me, just as we begin the new Venus in Gemini cycle. Thank you in abundance for this so informative material. I never get enough of it. love, jo
Thank you Jo. You are awesome and so delighted Venus is with Regulus Oct 2 further informing your natal Mars! π
Hello Cayelin, This is a beautiful article and I am so happy I stumbled upon it. I am a new student of astrology and have been looking at patterns in my personal charts, I have Jupiter at 0Β°Virgo, my mom has Jupiter at 29Β°Leo, and her mom has Neptune at 28Β°Leo (born in 1929). This is so fascinating to me. Thank you for bringing more wisdom about this to light!
Thank you Pearl for letting me know this was useful for you. Love you are including the fixed stars (though actually not so fixed just more so than the planets) in your study of astrology. π
Iβm wondering what insight you might have about having Uranus (at 2 Virgo ) near this star?
Hi Ola,
Because Uranus is so unpredictable it suggests to me a way of being beyond the ordinary in the realm of the heart. What new, cutting edge ways are you engaging the mysteries of the heart? Hope that helps? π
I agree with Cayelin and add a bit more from an esoteric astrology point of view. I sometimes refer to Uranus as the voice of God, that inspiration that comes from Source, from your highest Self. Jo Garceau
I have my Ascendent and Uranus 8 degrees away in Virgo. Iβm trying to find more info on my Natal Regulus Conjunct Klotho both at 29 degrees Leo. Any insight would be much appreciated.
Regulus would have been in the sky above your ascendant and Uranus at the time of your birth. I recommend tuning in for your own insights by hanging out with Regulus and opening to receive insights directly from that star as it relates to you and your life. One thing we know for sure is we don’t know anything for sure – especially when it comes to what a planet with a star means since all the information we have comes from way back when. Our opportunity is to discover what it means now based on how we are informing the mysteries at this great turning of the 26,000 year wheel of time!
Thank you! I’ve got Regulus conj. Pluto in Leo at my ASC…and I feel this strongly.
Would need more insight to the meaning though..
Hi Mary. I bet you do feel this strongly. I recommend you ask both Pluto and Regulus (via meditation, journeying or some other practice) what they want you to know about what this means for you. I have a similar alignment that includes Jupiter and the MC and I am constantly getting new insights about what it means and the fears I get to keep facing as well as ways I experience heart-entered personal empowerment. Its an ongoing process for sure. π
Great article Cayelin… very inspiring!! Just discovered today that my natal Pluto is also conjunct Regulas within two degrees in Virgo… I am so excited to learn about this special star and the other Behenian Stars!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your amazing STAR KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM! Greatly appreciated!! SO happy to have this new awareness… Also just discovered last night from your other article on the Bohemian Stars that Antares conjuncts my Sun in Sagittarius and Spica and Arcturus conjunct my Jupiter and square my Venus. I am ecstatic to follow these stars more closely now and I have felt deeply connected to Pleiades, Sirius and Orion in the sky… but the new awareness will bring so much more depth… Again… Thank you! Thank you!! AWESOME STAR KNOWLEDGE!!
Infinite blessings and love,
Yay…El’elia so happy you are inspired. Thank you for taking the time to share. Love all your magical star connections too and now that you know they are personal to you – a greater connection and dialogue with them is possible. How cool is that! π Lots of Love and Delight! Cayelin
Thank you, Cayelin, great article! And it led me to understand that I was born with my Ascendant/Pluto in Leo conjunction just within 6 degrees of Regulus, very meaningful. You are a Master Priestess of the Starry Knowledge indeed. Heart’s love – Silvianne
Yes so happy you get to see that. My Midheaven and Pluto are in a similar situation so one of the reasons I love to write about this Star! Lioness love from my heart to yours!
Great article Cayelin! So insightful and informative.
What earth & personal changes can we expect with this new alignment of Regulus?
Thank you Bruce. Glad you liked it. So we have been feeling the effects of this shift since November of 2011. I shared in the article that the current alignment of Regulus at the Zero Virgo point is intended to help us navigate the now more unfamiliar territory of our heart wisdom that eons ago was much easier to access. Virgo also has to do with honoring all life as sacred, so we could imagine that is what this alignment is intended to bring forth with the compassionate wisdom of our hearts. π
Hi dear so my Regulus is in conjunction with Moon (4degree) and in 10 house?What about it?
From the article:
When a planet passes Regulus (including the Sun and Moon) it serves to magnify and transmit the energy of this heart star to all life on Earth.
If you have a natal planet near this star this applies to you personally as it relates to the intent of that planet.
Regulus has the power to activate our heart knowing when we are willing to engage and embrace it. Additionally, this assists us in releasing and transforming whatever is buried in our subconscious when we are willing to explore this territory.
With Regulus now at the Zero Virgo point, this star is deeply connecting to the sacred patterning of life, highlighting our role in restoring the essential pattern of love underlying all creation, so all life benefits.
From the perspective of the Moon you have an ancient connection to the mysteries of Regulus that you are bringing into this life with you…that would be worth cultivating if that interests you. π