Each time the Moon and Venus meet in the Morning sky it marks Inanna’s passage through a Chakra Gate.

The fourth time they meet it represents the 4th gate/Heart Chakra on her way to rendezvous with the Sun this summer.

In the story of Inanna this is where she is asked to give-up her breast plate, the vestment symboling her Heart Chakra. This means Inanna is letting go of the ways she no longer truly loves herself or others, including releasing self-judgment and judgment of others.

The Heart Chakra is associated with the emotional realms including love, kindness, caring, compassion, generosity and the shadowed aspects of anxiety, arrogance, incompetence, loneliness and/0r defiance.

Understanding and working with the intent of this cycle is valuable for anyone desiring a greater conscious connection with the divine feminine aspect they are investigating and integrating in this life regardless of perceived gender. No matter how a person identifies we all have a sacred feminine and sacred masculine aspect within that deserves our loving attention.

Now is the time to ceremonially release any hesitation you may have around loving yourself or others, and/or acting on your own heart knowing/guidance. This includes releasing any self-doubt and self-sabotage that creates interference in truly loving yourself and therefore truly loving others.

This chakra is green so working with the color green assists in releasing what needs to be released and encourages greater harmony, peace and well-being.

Wearing green clothes, eating green foods, and working with green stones including malachite, jade, emerald, peridot, aventurine, green fluorite, green tourmaline, green jasper, green agate are also helpful.

This month you may want to create an altar (or a heart centered practice) that symbolizes a healthy whole heart and give thanks for the purity of heart you already possess but may have forgotten due to previous wounds.

Questions worth noting:
What distorted heart chakra energy (such as not good enough, not lovable, not supported by life etc) can you release now?

What would it take to transform and transmute all lower vibrational energies within you into the higher vibrational energy of love?

It May help to remember Love Heals Everything!

You are invited to join Venus Alchemy as we ceremonially journey through Inanna’s gates descending and then ascending from the underworld. Access link to current class details are HERE 

Here is more about Trusting your Heart Knowing