December 2022 

Welcome to the Grand Finale of 2022 taking us into another year of powerful change.


A Solstice Perspective describing what the Solstice IS, why its so significant now and when to engage it ceremonially.

Since we are informing the mysteries as they are informing us  – our intention and attention continues to be more important than ever.

As we reach another ending and beginning it is helpful to work with these energies consciously doing our part to co-create with this fast changing reality.

It helps to know it is simply time for this to be happening. It is unavoidable. We can’t escape it. It is not a punishment for past wrongs or mistakes.

We can NOT ever be good enough, or smart enough to escape this speeded up evolutionary time. You chose to be here and your presence is a gift.

As Ken Keyes reminds us in his book The Prescriptions for Happiness: Accept What Is For NOW!

Acceptance means we aren’t resisting the evolutionary changes that are here for our benefit even when it doesn’t always seem that way.

Acceptance means we are not fighting ourselves or what is unfolding in our outer reality.
And as Carl Jung reminded us: What We Resist Persists 

The antidote for resistance is acceptance (surrendering to what IS) and also turning up our love (also from Ken Keyes) regardless of what is happening in our outer world.

Love is the answer to all our questions and it changes everything in miraculous ways.

What is happening is happening for reasons we may not fully comprehend but know that whatever is happening is happening for us and not to us.

December 2022 has more powerful energies that are calling us to release and let go of whatever is in the way of BEING and LIVING our best, most magical lives.

Is fear holding you back? We are being asked (in oh so many ways) to face it, release it, and transform it into our strength and our medicine.

With this in mind we can begin crafting our New Year Intentions and send our Wishes to the New Year Star Sirius as described in the 6 minute video on Sirius.

We may not remember why we chose to be here NOW, but some part of us knows. Taking time to tune into that part and connecting with our divine soul purpose (not so much what we DO but who we ARE) has never been more important!!!

May your HIGH Holy Days be Blessed with Love, Joy and Magic!!!
The Main Content this month is in Videos:
Pallas Athena is going Retrograde Dec 1 exactly opposite Pluto and stays retrograde until Feb 15
The Astro Priestess share about the Sagittarius Solar Month
And the Wise Women Rountable share about the ongoing reset of Earth’s Destiny 
Sirius as the New Year Star is next followed by the December Solstice on the Galactic Cross both short videos and great reminders.
Ophiuchus – The Serpent Bearer A personal story
Sun with Antares exact on Dec 2.

Venus and Mercury are Out Of Bounds 
and there are two times the Moon is Out of Bounds
With Saturn in its last weeks of its Aquarius journey this article may be fun…

Saturn still in Aquarius PDF to support the above article and  Video Below.


Activating the Vagas Nerve and Your Parasympathetic Nervous System for greater ease and calm…

The very last video on this page is Ellie Drake teaching you how to activate your Vagas Nerve and calm your nervous system moving from the anxiety producing sympathetic nervous system to the calming and more peaceful parasympathetic nervous system. It is less than Three Minutes…

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Like the one I posted a few days ago featuring Pallas Athena
going retrograde with me and Morgan Markwald.


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The Sirius Mysteries - 14 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

Sirius with Other Planets Meditation - 15 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

Behenian Stars (a.k.a Magical Stars) - 12 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

An Overview of Moon Occultations - 5 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell