July 2024 Highlights…

I feel so blessed to have been witness to the June 2024 Solstice sunset from the Callanish Stones on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides at the time of the extreme Out of Bounds Full Moon. This is known as the time when the Moon Walks the Land.

The sunset that night was one of the best I have ever seen. We didn’t get to see the Moon until we were headed back to Stornoway but we were there to absorb the high magic of this time whether the Moon was visible or not and of course we were blessed with a sunset that was one of the best I have ever seen.

Being aware of the mysteries is enough. Being present at a sacred site increases the sense of wonder and realization of how we are co-creating with the mysteries. 


Going beyond that we are the embodiment of the mysteries and so we become the magical expression of what is possible. 

The sunset photo shown here carries the energy of the spectacular sunset for those who feel called to tune in.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22
Back in March I did a video with Stephanie Redfeather around the power of standing for yourself as a way to walk into greater self love.

I am inspired to share the conversation below as it refers to how Chiorn in Aries have been teaching me how to stand for myself in healthy ways. 

I share my story and there are great insights about how we can increase our awareness around this topic. I admit I am still a work in progress and some days are better than others but I am happy to see how much progress I and others around me have made.

Part of our exploration is how to do this in a healthy way, because there are ways that I have witnessed that cause more harm in the long run. 

Also we have a way Out Of Bounds (OOB) Cancer New Moon on July 5 conjunct the fixed star Sirius. This is one of the magical stars of the ancient alchemists super charging this New Moon even further. See video below for details.

It is time to notice how you are nurturing yourself in ways that nurture those around you and to set an intent that you can step it up to a whole new octave with the help of Sirius and the OOB Moon taking us beyond what has been previously known into all new territory. This energy is highly active as the Sun continues to journey through the season of Cancer.

Sun is in the Sacred Hoop of Stars. https://cayelincastell.com/the-sacred-hoop-of-stars/

Jul 02 2024        Mercury      enters       Leo       5:49:50 AM     MST

Jul 03 2024        Mercury          01°Le19′ D      Opp     Pluto   01°Aq19′ R      12:26:40 AM   MST

Jul 11 2024      Venus  00°Le00′ D  enters       Leo        9:18:35 AM     MST

Jul 12 2024      Venus  01°Le07′ D      Opp     Pluto   01°Aq07′ R      7:11:40 AM     MST

Jul 15 2024      Mars    26°Ta19′ D      Cnj       Uranus 26°Ta19′ D      7:04:39 AM     MST

Jul 20 2024      Mars    enters       Gemini     1:42:52 PM     MST

Jul 22 2024      Sun      enters      Leo         12:44:11 AM   MST

Jul 22 2024      Mars    01°Ge01′ D      Cnj       Sedna  01°Ge01′ D      1:31:07 AM     MST

Jul 22 2024      Sun      00°Le52′ D      Opp     Pluto   00°Aq52′ R      10:37:34 PM   MST

Jul 25 2024      Mercury          enters       Virgo        3:41:36 PM     MST

Sep 8 2024      Mercury          enters       Virgo          11:49:53 PM   MST

Jul 26 2024      Chiron 23°Ar32′ R       R                                 6:58:42 AM     MST

The Sun is moving through the The Twins and Alhena 
Planets with Sirius
Sun and Moon is with Sirius July 5

The July 29 Capricorn Full Moon is Out of Bounds and it is the 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn within the 19 year Lunar Standstill adding a whole other wild card factor currently at play.

Details about the Lunar Standstill are here https://cayelincastell.com/geomantic-moon-magic-the-19-year-lunar-standstill/
Find out when the Moon is rising and setting https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/?query=
Perigee Moon is July 24 just after the July 21 Full Moon
Out of Bounds Planets
Lunar Standstill
The nearly Full Moon passes Nunki on July 20
Sirius with the Sun
Sirius Star Magic
The Difference between Signs and Constellations

An insightful look at Mercury Communication Challenges when What You Heard Isn’t What I Meant! as Mercury goes Retrograde on August 4


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