January 2025
Welcome to the NEW Calendar Year we are calling 2025.
Here are some important events happening worth noting though I have only touched on a few.
January 4 marks the Earth’s annual closest approach to the Sun (perihelion), the source of light and life for our planet. It might be worthwhile to consciously attune to the Sun this first week of January and see what, if any, Solar Attunements are coming through along with the Jan 6 Full Moon near Sirius.
AND January 3/4 is also about the time the Quadrantid Meteor Showers are peaking . Theses meteors are best seen after 11 pm when the constellation of Bootes is high in the sky. See more below…
Day of the Magi, January 6
A.K.A. Epiphany (also known as the “The Adoration of the Magi” or “The Manifestation of God”) ending the twelve days of Christmas as calculated in traditional times. This is the time when the Three Kings, Three Wise Men or Three Magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar are honored for following the star to Bethlehem and bringing the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ child. January 6 was the original date celebrating the birth of Christ and is still recognized and celebrated by the Eastern Christian Church.
Sun is also Square Chiron on January 8 lighting up the powerful deep shamanic healing energies
Once again it is time to wish upon the New Year Star – Sirius as described in the 6 minute video below bringing in the New Year located overhead at Mid-Night on New Years Eve! However, it doesn’t have to be on New Year’s Eve but can be anytime around the New Year within a few days of either side of the exact start of 2024.
2025 Jan 11 The North/South Node reaches 0° Aries before entering Pisces Virgo for the first time since 2007 Dec 17 just under 18 years ago. The Nodes travel through these signs until July 26, 2026 when the Nodes enter Aquarius/Leo until March 26, 2028. https://cayelincastell.com/power-of-the-nodes-connecting-the-past-and-future/ This marks the Center Point of the Lunar Standstill.
Jan 30 Uranus stations direct
Mars is Out Of Bounds until April and there are two times the Moon is Out of Bounds each month for the next two years or more. https://cayelincastell.com/wild-cards-or-the-out-of-bounds-planets/.
All Planets Moving Forward starting February 23 to March 01 (just 6 days) and April 12, 2025 to May 4, 2025 (22 days) . https://cayelincastell.com/all-planets-moving-forward/
The Video below is for the Capricorn New Moon December 30, 2024 but is also worth noting if you haven’t seen it yet as we plant seeds and intentions for 2025.
Stars and Constellations Highlights for January
Very prominent in the January sky is what we refer to as the Sacred Hoop of Stars as defined by the Lakota Nation.
Also this month the two brightest stars of the constellation of the Twins, Castor and Pollux, can be seen rising North of East not long after Sunset. The white star Castor rises about 25 minutes before the yellow star Pollux.
Betelguese is the bright red star inside the Sacred Hoop Marking the shoulder of Orion. (Some sources say the word Betelguese translates as armpit). It is an irregular variable star that varies its brightness between that of Capella and Antares. Betelgeuse is a red super giant which is bigger that the orbit of Mars.
Rigel is the bright blue white star on the S.W. corner of Orion marking his foot. It is about 900 light years away and is 150,000 times as bright as our sun.
Orion’s Belt is made up of a diagonal of three stars that a close together (3 degrees). The highest star, Mintaka is on the celestial equator. These are sometimes called the “three Marias”. Coming down from the middle of the three is a line of stars known as the sword. If you look closely at the lower stars in the sword you will see a faint fuzzy patch. This is the famous Orion Nebu
la, which is the birthplace of numerous new stars. The Moon is passing above this area of the sky January 26 and 27.
In January the Big Dipper stands up like a question mark. This is opposite of the head of the Lion tha
t appears as a reverse question mark now rising in the evening sky.
The annual Quadrantid meteor shower peaks around January 3 and 4. This meteor shower is
nominally active for roughly two weeks, from about December 27 until about January 10 each year. However, peak activity is from January 1-5. These meteors are best seen after 11 pm when the constellation of Bootes is high in the sky.
Last year Peter and I were blessed to see a Whirling Rainbow on Dec 29, 2023
(see photo below)
The Whirling Rainbow Prophecy
The Whirling Rainbow refers to halos or rings of light that encircle the Sun.
This occurs when a thin layer of cirrus clouds are present in the sky and the water vapor condenses, freezes into ice crystals and creates a rainbow of light around the Sun.
Sun halos are also called Sundog, Sunbow or Whirling Rainbows of light.
“Nature speaks in magical and mysterious ways if we are willing to listen.”
The Native Americans say it is a sign of change, they call a Whirling Rainbow an Ancient American Indian Prophecy:
‘There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children.
They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go……..We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner.
Men and women will be equals; all children will be safe, elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life.
The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever.’”
Seeing a Whirling Rainbow is a reminder of this prophecy. Below is one of the photos I took on Dec 29, 2023. A truly great way to end one year and begin another❣