A work in progress…

The Sagittarius New Moon (02° Sagittarius 55′) in 2024 on May 23 and the  Moon is near Antares the heart star of the Galaxy preparing the way for the June Sosltice on June 20 when we will have a CancerFull Moon in 2024 on the Galactic Cross near the Galactic Edge and the Moon is Out of Bounds.

This suggests the Sagittarius Full Moon (always happening near or somewhat near the June Solstice) brings to light the deeper truths of life as we continue to embrace our personal and collective spiritual quest for enlightenment.

NOTE: for the next few years the Full or New Moon in Sagittarius are likely to be Out of Bounds. More HERE

The Sagittarius Full Moon symbolizes a time of fulfillment and increased awareness where seeds planted in an earlier cycle are coming to fruition. The seeds of truth we have been cultivating are ready to shine in all their glory.

It is important to consider the correspondence between what we believe is true and what we actually experience in objective reality. Thomas Aquinas stated it this way: “A judgment is said to be true when it conforms to the external reality.”

The evolution of what we believe to be true occurs as our external reality changes and no longer supports the beliefs we once thought were true.

The Great Attractor is at 14° Sagittarius any New or Full Moon Near this degree has an even greater impact.

Looking at the deeper truths of the Sagittarius Full or New Moon asking questions that help reveal where we may be stuck in our personal judgments of ourselves and others here are some questions to consider?

Where do we feel and express as Spiritually Righteous?
How do we judge others for their spiritual (or lack of spiritual) beliefs?
What doubts hold us back from having faith that this unfolding reality is supporting our evolutionary process?

Better yet, turning these questions around and asking questions we really want the answer to is the best strategy.

What would it take for me to feel aligned with my spiritual essence in ways that are supportive to me and those around me?
How is it that I feel more confident and aligned with my inner truth, my inner knowing than ever before?
How is it I am living a more joyous, more fun, more fulfilling life than ever before.


A Look Back at Sagittarius Eclipses in 2020. 

December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse 09:16:25 AM PST 23°Sg08′ D South Node Eclipse
Visible in Eastern Europe, Much of Asia, NW Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean. 
Totality Saudi Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Guam

May 26 
2021 Total 
Lunar Eclipse at 4:14 AM Pacific at 05°Sg25′ D South Node Eclipse
Visible in SE Asia, Australia, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica

December 04, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse 12:43 am Pacific 12°Sg22′ D South Node Eclipse Visible in South Australia, South Africa, Southern South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean (This eclipse was the closest one to the Great Attractor)

It will be 2029 and 2030 before we have Eclipses in Sagittarius once again.

2029 Solar Eclipse Dec 5 at 13° Sagittarius 45’ very close to the Great Attractor

2030 Lunar Eclipse Jun 15 at 24° Sagittarius 43’
2030 Solar Eclipse Nov 24 3° Sagittarius 02’