Happy September Equinox
Where there is great love there are always miracles. ~ Willa Cather
We are rapidly returning to the balance of Day and Night and the season of Fall or Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Important dates of this month are below and below that are links to articles that go into greater detail and below that are videos that also go into greater detail including the Super Perigee Partial Lunar Eclipse.

Though Chiron and the North Node are no longer close but rather are currently about 16° degrees from one another having had their exact conjunction in April and were within 5° until early May we are still feeling the impact of this transit on a global level and especially in the USA still in a very close Chiron Return that will square the USA Pluto next year. Chiron and North Node Video completed about 6 months ago.
On a personal and global level this long dance of Chiron with the North Node is intended to transform and heal any wounds that hold us back from living our divine destiny. When we consider this is also affecting the USA Chiron Return and transiting Chiron moving into a tight square with Pluto next year these energies are intensifying. Video on the USA Chiron return
Something I wrote for the Celestial Timings in 2008 applies as much (and maybe even more) now.
Chiron is the archetypal Wounded Healer who teaches about the transformative power that lies within our wounds when we are willing to see the gifts available to us and turn these wounds into our medicine transforming them through radical acceptance.
Everyone has wounds. It is the nature of living in this reality and therefore unavoidable. Thus, everyone has the potential to be a Wounded Healer if they choose to do so. This is not about energizing our wounds for sympathy or to further justify how we have been a victim of unfair circumstances.
Rather, when we successfully and authentically transform our own wounds so we are no longer at the affect of them we detach emotionally from our story. Then we are not at the affect of our story.
Rather it becomes a medicine teaching assisting and inspiring others with similar challenges who are still in the process of transforming their wounds. This is similar to how Chiron’s story is a medicine teaching.
Chiron (the ancient Greek Centaur) was a master healer who was wounded by a poisonous sword that was instant death to any mortal. He was immortal so he could not die and yet he could not find a way to heal the pain of the wound that affected him. One day he asked Zeus if could take the place of Prometheus who was being punished for stealing fire from the Gods. Chiron reasoned that he was in so much pain anyway there was no reason for both of them to suffer. Zeus was so moved my Chiron’s compassion he freed Prometheus and allowed Chiron to be transformed, to die to his old form and be turned into a starry constellation known as Centaurus.
Chiron accepted the incurable nature of his wound and at the same time was prepared to relieve the suffering of another. Ken Keyes, Jr. creator of the Living Love method and author of The Handbook to Higher Consciousness and at least 14 other books on joyful living, was a modern day wounded healer.
Paralyzed by Polio at age 25 Ken Keyes, Jr. was set on a path of discovery that ultimately gave him the gift of accepting his situation and learning how to live a loving joyful life even though he was a quadriplegic. In his book Prescriptions for Happiness Ken gives simple and yet powerful keys to living a happy life no matter what your life circumstances are. One essential key is to Accept Whatever Happens – For Now.
When we accept our wounds we begin to see the gifts they have for us and then they can be transformed into the medicine we carry. This medicine is what leads us to our Divine Destiny and that is the power we have now with Chiron (the wounded healer) and the North Node (Divine Destiny) engaging this year long dance and continuing to grace us with the opportunity to heal our wounds turning them into our gifts.
Follwoing up on Ken Keyes, Jr. who found a way to surrender to the life circumstances that caused him to become a quadriplegic and how he turned that into the Living Love method and some of the most successful self-help books ever written. In his book Prescriptions for Happiness Ken tells us of the importance of Acceptance. Acceptance and surrender are linked because we cannot be in a state of acceptance until we are willing to surrender to what IS.
The second prescription for Happiness is to accept whatever is happening for now. It seems so simple and yet can be so challenging when we are attached to being right and being vindicated according to whatever pictures or images we have. Accepting things as they are doesn’t mean we give up our desire to right wrongs, or the desire for change, or the willingness to take action to create change. Acceptance releases the need for life to be different than what it IS and that often then facilitates radical change in unexpected ways, especially when we are not attached to what the change looks like.
Accepting what is for NOW is the simplest yet most challenging part. We often resist what IS and find ways to distract ourselves from the truth of the present moment. Pluto having returned to Capricorn is offering us another opportunity to see our shadow and bring it into the light. Then through the light of awareness we have the opportunity to be conscious of what we are thinking, feeling, saying and doing and how we are co-creating our reality.
We cannot undo what has already been done. All we can do is respond to what IS in the most conscious, loving, forgiving way possible in every moment. It begins with forgiving the unforgivable, forgiving ourselves for whatever mistakes we have made or any ways we have unconsciously contributed to our own pain or the pain of others.
If we are unable to forgive we are also unable to accept what IS. Acceptance is a state of non-resistance or surrender to the Divine Energy guiding us when we allow it to do so. When we live in acceptance we radiate love, joy and grace into the world uplifting everyone and everything.
The September 17 Perigee Pisces Full Moon Parial Lunar Eclipse has a similar theme of Compassion and Acceptance.
It is possible to further revolutionize our experience of true radical compassion. Jelaila Starr wrote an article back in 2005 saying compassion is…deep awareness of the suffering of another (including our own suffering and compassion for self) without the need to relieve it, feeling total appreciation for its value; a state of non-judgment…a state of total acceptance. (See video on this remarkable Full Moon below)
This type of compassion requires a radical willingness to be with what IS while releasing the need to rescue, fix, change, or control the outcome. So how are we accepting the “unacceptable”, forgiving the “unforgivable”, and loving the “unlovable”?
It helps to be willing to release our emotional and mental attachments to how we believe events in life “should or should not” be or how we as humans “should or should not be”.
Accepting what IS for Now delineates the key component of Radical Compassion. When we feel a need to rescue or fix a person or situation we are not coming from true compassion but rather an addictive need to have things be different than what they are.
Accepting things as they are doesn’t mean we give up our desire for change or the willingness to take action to create change. This is really about the difference between an addictive need and a healthy preference. We can still prefer what we prefer while accepting what IS beyond our control.
Acceptance helps us to give up the need for it to be different than what it IS and that often facilitates the change all by it self, especially when we are not attached to what the change looks like.
Our desires are not good or bad, in fact desire is what fuels our co-creative process with the Universe. It is the attachment to the results that causes problems.
Key Keyes addresses this in his first prescription for happiness.
Ask for what you want, but don’t demand it. It is important to ask without attachment to the outcome. Asking helps to clarify what we do want for ourselves. Also we can’t expect others to read our minds meaning we need to ask for what we want with out attachment to the results.
This requires practice at communicating in ways that are clear, requesting what we want but not demanding it look or be any certain way. It helps to remain open to the magic and mystery that will often fulfill our request in more fun and miraculous ways than we had ever imagined when we are open to the flow of life.
Here’s to another transformative month as we co-create a new world experience both personally and collectively.
More on the Sep 17 Anniversary of the signing of the USA Constitution
Chiron in Aries Healing the Wounds of Injustice
Celebrating the September Equinox
Read more about the Equinox
Celebrating the September Equinox
Pluto is Retrograde and returns to Capricorn on Sep 1
Below is a guided journey to the Sacral Chakra as Inanna emerges from the underworld and goes through the second gate related to the Sacral Chakra exact on Sep 5. This is just one of 16 meditations available to those who are in our Venus Alchemy Ceremonial Series.
Venus at the Sacral Chakra Evening Star - 22 minutes
Judgment VS Discernment Personal Insights…

The masterful side of Virgo is Discernment.
The Shadow side of Virgo is Judgement. More on Virgo
I got really great feedback on this so thought I would share it again. Much of this was inspired by a challenging Pluto Cycle that is still ongoing so I am finding this a great reminder for me.
I am noticing how my inner judge is judging me for reacting to being judged or feeling like I am being judged.
My inner warrior feels the injustice of someone assuming what my thoughts and feelings are and then that someone is unwilling to consider their perspective might not be true or is mistaken. It is a life long pattern that is still lingering. Grrr….
I am currently aware of how my inner judge is judging the whole situation so I can become more aware of how I judge myself and then I can disrupt this pattern and act from discerning choices – not judgey ones.
I am practicing discernment. This includes discerning what is best for me and all involved.
Choosing not from a place of judgment (self judgement or otherwise) – you are wrong, this is wrong, what is happening is wrong…
But rather choosing based on the best choice for myself and all involved given the circumstances.
First I need to process my anger about feeling unfairly judged so my choice is not rooted in anger and reaction.
It’s not easy and it’s not fun but it does make all the difference in what comes next as I continue to cultivate the super conductive power of love within me.
Because ultimately I know this is about me and no one else. Of course, I would love for it to be about something outside of me, but I do know the reality is – it is always an inside job.😇

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Cayelin — Did you know Sophie & I lived in Aravaipa Canyon for her first 5 years ? When I was 7, I had a prescient dream, perhaps I astral traveled, to Aravaipa. and then one Mother’s Day we walked into Holy Joe Canyon and I had the deja vu with it. How nice reading your experiences of such a profound place, especially as we embark upon the coming Eclipse cycle…